Gradual Return to Normal

Despite all the daytime sleeps, I am currently also quite relaxed and sleeping well at night which is a big treat. Long may it last.

Today is a bit better than yesterday and I was up and showered at a more normal time. I am drinking turmeric tea again, of which I have quite a supply. I find it refreshing and not as claggy as coffee with milk.

I didn’t rush to do anything much today. Fatigue still kicks in after a small amount of exertion. I exerted myself for about 5 minutes of flexing, fell asleep and awoke to find I had not stopped the workout. My move circle went bonkers and it is a great big lie. I need to remember how to delete it.

There was a ring at the door. Gingerly, I approached and peered through the crack, which was the extent to which I opened it. A smallish uniformed chap wanted to read our (supposedly smart) meter. ‘Oh do come in to this house of sin,’ I said to him. ‘But I should warn you I have tested positive for Covid.’ The smallish man did not require much thinking time, although he told me had already had Covid, he decided he did not want it again and fled across the gravel.

Ali kindly walked H who is usually better with her than she is with Dave. But she is not to be trusted locally. Because Ali was walking locally, she kept her on the lead. H didn’t want go, which is quite rude of her, but she puts in this performance of digging her heels in for anyone who is not me or T. While out, whenever there was a pause for a chat, H made her feelings quite clear about wanting to return home. But thank you Ali- for the shopping and for H’s walk.
She met a man lying on the wet grass at the river’s edge which led to spurious thoughts, But he turned out be communing with a swan.

And H caused embarrassment by dropping a big turd on a neatly mown lawn of one of the wealthy whose houses front the water. Ali had no pooo bags and my shameless huzzy of a dog never does these things discretely. So the poo got pushed (?somehow? The exact method escapes me) into a paper coffee cup Ali was carrying. She didn’t carry this unsavoury container for long, before entering into a bargain with the local lawn owner to leave it and pick it up on her return journey.

We sat in the garden under the passing clouds for a while until I was seized by a brief spell of energy and the weed and feed granules are finally scattered. They have to be watered in tomorrow. Hopefully the weeds will die and the grass will grow greener. I will add grass seed in a week or two.

The ‘orchard’ is in blossom. The lupins are being lupin like. And at least one rose has buds. I have plants to pot up.
I’ve (told) suggested to T to fix the wheelbarrow. That’s a bit of a conundrum because he thinks it’s working perfectly. It’s fine as long as you don’t need to wheel it anywhere. Not many people have a wheelbarrow with a fixed wheel. It belongs in a museum anyway and we only need it to bring heavy things from front to back. There are trolleys and things that would do this better. The wheely bin receives the garden debris as it is produced.

I clattered inside and cooked some supper and laid myself up for the night. My carefully prepared bedside glass of cold water had been unhelpfully removed. Three mugs filled the ensuite basin. I can’t get him out of the habit of washing mugs in there. Who am I to argue, with someone who is always correct? Yes darling, of course everybody does their washing up in their bathroom basin. No need for kitchen sinks these days.

Thought for the Day






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