Upright Again

After two days flat on my back and more or less unable to move, today brought some relief. Thank goodness. I actually got myself upright, ventured into the shower, and I even put clothes on after it. This was so I could join the online speed awareness course to re-educate me and my driving.
It was time usefully spent because current Covid rules advise you to stay at home for 5 days which means I can probably take H somewhere tomorrow.
But no shopping until after the weekend.

Symptoms remaining include:
Snotty nose; a few aches and pains; cough – a little; sweats have gone x ; sore chest if I cough; fatigue; peculiar smell and taste, itchy eyes, but generally improving. T has tested negative. So, we have to wait and see whether he will succumb. The only good thing is I have had lots of sleep.

I may have mentioned T was never cut out for a career in nursing.

Given the improvement in my symptoms, I decided to arise and take about 3 hours to prepare myself and my technology for my Speeding Awareness Course, led by Ian.

I quickly discovered that three hours was quite a lot of preparation time, so I diverted myself into doing a little life drawing, using the net to guide me. It was an RCA stream and was quite interesting. This was to make up for not being able to go to Art yesterday. Not real life drawing but close to it. I did some quick sketch poses of some bloke in his underpants. I must pick up on where I left off.

Moving onto my course preparations, I was fine until an unsmiley Ian warned me that iPads and iPhones might require a restart after registration was completed. The warning was not wrong. So technology terrors descended. It had caused me enough anxiety just to get myself connected, and here was Ian saying I might need to repeat the whole uncertain process? Really? Fearfully, I restarted and logged in again. And it was astonishingly successful.
And then it was a mere question of waiting for the technology to let me in to the Teams meeting. (That was quite nerve wracking too.) Which it did. After a while of waiting so my stress levels rose again.

The course was quite interesting . I thought Ian was going to be a grumpy old sod, but serious was probably a better way of describing his demeanor. I don’t suppose he could really crack a lot of jokes with such dangerous lawbreakers.

And that was nearly the end of my being upright. I managed to cook a Charlie Bigham curry, some of which T added to his trove of little treasures of unfinished meals. I keep finding them all over the house at the moment. I’m not sure where yesterday’s egg sandwich is. It might even be in his tummy. Friday’s prawn sandwich reappeared on Tuesday in his mouth. I’m not sure that it was going to do him any good after 4 days.

H missed out on a walk yesterday but we might test things out tomorrow. Ali has promised H a walk anyway.

Pen has now completed her MA in illustration, just awaiting the results. Fleur’s school exams are nearly over. George and Evie are just doing their thing. Duke of Edinburgh awards feature somewhere. For George and Fleur.
Ali has been catching up with County Youth Band friends after their 50th anniversary concert at the Anvil a week ago. She couldn’t make it but Helen was there, amongst others.

Things are bad in Sudan. My thoughts are with those out there.

Dave tells me he thinks Lena and Timur, who are approaching the end of their 6 months in Nottingham, are going to be able to stay on with their new family which has better space to accommodate them. Good news. They have been here for nearly a year.

Thought for the Day

Princess Poxy Guts xx






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