A Day in Bed

Around midnight I felt truly dreadful- shivery and sweaty/ congested/ very achey / coughing uncontrollably so I could barely draw breath. I addressed myself sharply and brought the cough under control. And it has stayed out of the way most of the day. But the aches and pains are just that – aching and painful.

So that has been my day as I have clung to the bed. Moving leads to head banging . It has not been a good day.
I could not meet my friends for lunch. That was a shame too, but they managed without me!
I have done nothing and been nowhere and H has missed out.
Tomorrow I need to attend a life drawing class. We don’t want to miss it, but I need to be a lot better!
That is it!

No life drawing. Tested positive for Covid. No wonder thought it was an excessively nasty cold. The only LFT tests I had were well out of date but DCI brought me new ones and the result was still the same.






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