Oh dear – another dreadful night due to the coughing in the early hours, but it did settle.
I got the usual routines going and brekkie around 05.00. Contexto cooperated AGAIN!
We needed to be up and out to get T to Daycentre which we managed. I decided to walk H at the end of Ferry Lane at Cholsey. We were last there in February and had a lovely walk but it has been wet since then.
The ground was very slippery on the first part of the walk. And I walked gingerly. And decided it would be a circular walk as I was not going to revisit the outward terrain.

The day had started very grey and very heavy. But it slowly lightened on the walk though it was never really sunny. We walked back to the car via the water meadows, grassy meadows and a lane.
I was feeling quite achey and may have the beginnings of a cold lurking – viz- aches, sneezes, blocked nose, feeling cold, prickly throat.
I came home to complete various jobs and make various calls. The bed was stripped and partly remade before we even left home. It looked a bit inviting. The duvet cover tumbled in the drier and I sat down for a rest.
Light rain!! I don’t think so. It Bucketed down throughout the afternoon. We were so lucky to get our walk done.
I picked up T and took him to the Turkish barber so he is nicely tidy.

And Shaggy

Not shaggy
He has had fun at Daycare today and I see he is singing for everyone on Wednesday. 😉
the spectacular hair do is a St George’s wig.

The afternoon was utterly utterly foul. H would not even go near the back door when offered the opportunity. The roads were flooded and the rain was relentless .
I have whiled away an hour or two watching the gripping MALPRACTICE on TVX. Not feeling quite right.
The night – Monday night-total grot. Aches and pains; sore throat; horrid cough making my oesophagus ( not chest – yet) very sore and leaving me struggling to breathe. I avoided coughing as much as I could and took paracetamol. I briefly considered trying out T’s inhaler. Then I took paracetamol and things settled a bit. Perhaps T’s cough was not asthma but a bug he has generously shared.
Whichever way. It’s pants. And I’m supposed to be meeting friends later.
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