
I had a lousy night. T was coughing away – fairly certain it was his asthma cough. It has been around louder than usual for a couple of weeks now, not all the time, but in fits. He was coughing so much that it was tricky for him to take his inhaler. But once he managed to inhale, his cough settled down and disappeared.
And he had a good night’s sleep. But I did not. It’s a bit like dealing with a crying baby at night. You think you are both settled then it all kicks off again. That’s what the early hours were like.
His asthma has not been a problem since 2014. So I am keeping an eye on it.

We had an early cuppa after an important disturbance and then slept on and on. And on a bit more.
Contexto succumbed to my skill quite submissively for a change. But Waffle proved tiresome.

After a little watching of the lovely London Marathon, H and I departed for Pangbourne. By now, it was sunny and almost warm. I was definitely overdressed. H examined the birds with interest but has come to realise that when they float by, they are a lost cause. On the banks, however they make it a different matter. All the usual avian creatures were out and about including two cormorants and two honking swans in flight.
More and more boats are appearing to adorn the moorings and spoil my views. The ground is still wet in places but much drier where I like to walk. And someone has shaved the grass in places. And the water was placid once more.

Avian friends

I returned home to find T still in bed – what a surprise- and then I cut the dandelion patch. This was hard work because the grass was uneven and lush and long in places.

Using the electric mower and it’s recalcitrant cables requires a degree of foot dexterity that I just don’t have any more. The ability to pirouette as well as skip and jump is quite handy. I would also quite like a mower that doesn’t require me to struggle to push it, one of those geared jobs like our old petrol one would make life easier. Or maybe I should just investigate purchasing a robotic mower so I can retire from the activity altogether.

Whilst shoving the mower around (and filling the garden bin with 5 hodfuls of cuttings) I noticed som sort of severe ???? flash up on the phone. Health warning? Heart warning? Weather warning?
No – it was the government’s test mobile phone warning of some sort of desperate emergency. It arrived with an unpleasant noise. I was in the garden using the mower which drowned it out. But imagine being in a shop / theatre or at a funeral. And all the phones making a horrid noise simultaneously.

I was hot and sticky by the time I finished so I had a little sit down, once our supper was set cooking.
I received a text from DCI warning that he was coming by to have a cup of tea and load their snowboards into our loft. T was trying to be helpful but getting him out of the way was the desired, barely achievable outcome. I’m not sure how many times Dave asked him to go and watch the penalty shoot out and let him know when it was about to begin.

I fell asleep. T watched football. And that was my day of nothingness.

Thought for the Day






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