Half a Day

I had a great sleep. Probably something to do with not falling asleep on the sofa before bed time. Partying seems to agree with me.
I was still up early for brekkie after Contexto cooperated for once. But then I fell nicely asleep again. But awoke in time to get both of us up and ready for T’s Fifth Covid jab at 10.30. The stream of elderly and decrepit people was well managed via a one way system of staff and volunteers, at the surgery. You have to elderly or decrepit to receive this vaccination. Immuno suppressed or over 75 years or similar. I didn’t get one.

T didn’t really know why he was there, despite my reminders. He just wanted to engage the busy people in conversation. I swung out the sunflower lanyard and the staff gave up directing their questions at him and referred them to me. He couldn’t answer them anyway. Eg how old are you / date of birth.

He was pricked and we returned to the car to take H for a walk. It had been a chilly, foggy start to the day. My car had warned me of frost on my drive home last night. The fog had become haziness as we arrived at Little Wittenham.
The country lanes are a joy at the moment, laden with blossom and spring flowers. There are few daffodils left, but bluebells are creeping out and tulips in gardens are a bright splash of colour.

We had a lovely walk in the delicate sunshine. The ground is still very wet, but the worst of the mud and swamps are receding.

There were quite a few dogs out and about today, intent on making sure their humans were well exercised. H found some areas of extreme interest which required her total concentration.

it was about 12.00 when we headed for Burcot, near Dorchester, not far from where we walked. I’ve never been to Burcot before, but a pub there had been recommended to us by a neighbour. The Chequers. And rightly so. A long menu of just about everything under the sun, but tasty, well cooked and with excellent service. It was a bit early for lunch but we both ate everything on the plate.

T just had a slab of steak and 3x cooked chips. He ate every scrap, unlike last night when his prawn sandwich remained ignored. It’s still in the fridge.
For desert, I had the best ever tiramisu cheesecake ever.
The day more or less ended at this point. Nothing much else happened.

I just about managed to stay awake as I drove us home. But only as far as home. I hit horizontal soon after.
Hopefully that means I won’t doze on the sofa and I will sleep tonight.

At least I don’t have to cook tonight because the prawn sandwich awaits.

The day didn’t end easily. T was hit by a horrid, noisy coughing fit which I put down to his asthma. He refused to take the inhaler and became quite poorly and quite pathetic. It was the worse his asthma has been for a few years. Once he had taken the inhaler his chest settled and he slept well.

Thought for the Day






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