Yesterday was Tina’s birthday; today it is Chris’ birthday – happy birthday to all our friends and relatives in Greece.
Everything felt like a bit of a rush this morning – I’ve already given H a quick walk and I have to drop T off at 09.30 and get to Art for 10.00. (It’s only 07.30, so I’m a bit ahead of myself.). T is already up and showered!!!!
The Illis want me to walk Minnie – that won’t be until after Art finishes at 1.00, and somehow I have to pick T up around 3.00. And have time to get from place to place. I hate days like this! Tomorrow is as bad.
But… T is out of bed and will be raring to go and it is not 07.00. I haven’t time to take H for a second walk because I would need to bring her home again first. Grr. if I had known he was going to be so lively, we could have taken H for a longer walk together. And not at some silly o’clock.
However, it was a beautiful morning for our 20 minutes out and about. The sun was fiery red. Memo to self – get up earlier more often to enjoy sunrise in all its beauty.

As we set off… in car…looking towards the Thames

Later … from Streatley Rec
Everything went according to plan and it only took a few minutes to get to the Coaching Barn from Day Care at Cholsey.
This is a beautiful venu with high ceilings and old beams. It also serves as flower gardens – I think they grow and sell flowers. I must investigate.
There are about 10 people in the class but 2 or 3 were not present.
We were using charcoal but able to dip into using different media. We had twiggy bits of blossom to draw but mine was mostly lacking petals. So a bit of a dead twig. And my water glass was just awful.
I’m not used to charcoal so I stuck with it rather than using water colour.
We ventured out into the orchard but my interpretation looked like a forest with a random scattering of trees. I was also fighting the paper which was too textured. It is a very peaceful setting.

Next week is life drawing… that is scary to me … a naked lady. Poor thing being interpreted by me on paper.
I collected a very relieved Minnie but was severely held up by the delivery of a skip which blocked the road.
After some manoeuvring of the vehicle, the full skip was lifted up loaded and plonked on top of an empty skip on the back of the vehicle. I didn’t quite ‘get’ the logic of this. The. It became clear as more delay followed, whilst both skips were unloaded and dumped, then the empty one was left on the ground and the full skip lifted out and relocated in the vehicle.
I’m glad I wasn’t in a hurry to catch a train!
I picked up T and we walked the dogs at Pangbourne which was very pleasant although the river was a little calmer. Still important for T to complain about the cold- and this is after me making him wear extras.
Tomorrow is hanging over me heavy. Too much going on yet again.
Thought for the Day
I need to get it over and done.

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