Biplane blemish

Another horrid up and down night with good sleeps in between.
I made brekkie around 05.00 because I was fairly desperate for a coffee. T ate his toast but didn’t bother with the coffee bit. I was quite lively quite early performing the usual routines.

But H and I were in no hurry for the off and out. T was in no hurry for anything other than staying put. It was dull and uninviting.
However by the time H and I were in the car, blue sky prevailed and it looked warm and inviting. A little forward planning was required to get us organised for a really busy day tomorrow. ie filling up the car with something to make it go.

We motored down to Pangbourne Meadows which were absolutely glorious. Not exactly warm because a strong wind ruffled up the grass and introduced white horses to the Thames. The waters were seriously choppy and were not at all sure which way they should be flowing. Two cormorants adorned the tall tree, and one cormorant and two geese skimmed the surface of the river at different times. H was quickly onto our log, awaiting me.

High, and sometimes, lower in the sky, a biplane buzzed around, loudly, emitting a throaty roar as it showed off a series of manoeuvres involving: steep climbs , banking, upside down flying, somersaults and sideways flips. Always too far away to photograph. But the strength of the wind enhanced the volume. The sound was quite disturbing, drowning out the birds. But then it either crashed or went home as silence fell.
These meadows are slightly less soggy now. Less soggy , not dry by a long way.

T did not bother to get up all day. I cooked lunch after I arrived home but he only toyed with that. Toast and some grapes and that was it for him. All the grapes I bought yesterday have been eaten.

Later, I caught up with the very moving, but not self- pitying, Dame Deborah James, ( in her own words) aka Bowel Babe. Check your poo. It’s on iPlayer.
No… your poo is not on iPlayer as far as I know. But the programme is.

Thoughts for the Day






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