I slept for England. Most of the night and throughout a lot of the morning. I had felt very tired all yesterday. Felt a lot better today.
I awoke for a brief few moments for coffee etc at around 7.00 and then slept again until nearly 10.00.
There was nothing much happening today so there was no urgency about getting up. The day did not look particularly inviting, although it improved and blossomed into a really beautiful day by late afternoon.
Drunk with sleep, I eventually arose and performed the usual routines. And T became quite lively. H began to take an interest in the proceedings as we donned more and more garments. And we loaded ourselves into the car. And set off for Pangbourne.
By now, around 4.00pm, the sun was warm and dominant and sitting by the river was extremely calming.
The meadows were still marshy. The log welcomed Heidi.

We watched a cormorant swoop just above the surface of the waters … and then return and repeat.
I returned T and H home and drove to Streatley to gather up Ali and Dave to take them to Wallingford for a hockey ‘jolly’ .
George is back safe and sound after his 24 hour coach journey. He had a very good time and was awarded the ‘top skier of the week’ title.
And that was my day of nothingness, watching the waters slip by. It’s such a grand old river. Like the Father of them all. I can sit and watch it forever. Peace.
Thought for the Day

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