The Roberts family came to visit…
I had a really horrid night where I found it difficult to settle so in the end I got up arose about 05.00 and we had coffee. And crumpet. S
T eventually got into the shower so I gave the Miele an outing to spruce up the carpets. I dealt with the dish washer and dirty clothes, cleaned a loo or two and dropped T off at Daycare.
H was lucky to get a totter round Streatley Rec, just as the heavens opened, which made it a quick totter. It was a longer walk than my AW credited me for, but not much longer.
We had a table booked at the Bear, North Moreton, for 1.15 for myself and the Roberts family and boyfriend Harry. Evie’s bf. This would allow us enough time to eat before I had to collect T from Daycare.
I contented myself with preparing coleslaw for the evening repast. To add to the pies and quiches supplied by Greens of Pangbourne. I would not be toiling over a hot stove this evening.
All the best laid plans go wrong. On-off oil warning light on their car dash board; deflated tyres warning light; severe traffic delays. You name it, the Roberts had it. They arrived at 2.15 for lunch at 1.15. Somewhat fraught we eventually calmed down and the Bear were excellent. I had telephoned to forewarn them and was told they could feed us any time up to 3.00. What a pub!
Lunch was very good and everyone ate well. The table in our little nook was made from an amazing chunk of tree which curved in different directions. I had picked up T early, from Daycare, on the way over, thinking he would be full after his daycare lunch. But no – he had a second go at the pub.
We returned to spend a few hours chez McG.
Frankie took H for another walk. A lead walk because we all know she would run straight home.
H did not want to go and tried every which way to avoid going. She planted her bottom on the floor; she planted her feet firmly; she looked backwards; every trick under the sun apparently. But once she had broken the ties, she was fine.
This was a proper walk round and round the Rec and round it again. At some speed, and they both came back panting. H gave F a nice thank you. F said H was fine as long as she did not look at her. I know exactly what Frankie means. Tied to the fence outside our tent in 2016, H was exactly the same with me.
‘You’ve got far too many,’ was someone’s verdict on the pie selection. Oh no I haven’t! We only have one remaining whole pie to bring home. I left one chicken one as a Welcome Home present for George. He loves a good pie. And he will arrive home from Italy around midday tomorrow. The Coleslaw rapidly disappeared.
The evening was very pleasant. T was obviously still full after his two lunches because he did not eat much. In fact we were all quite full! But the verdict was that the pies were really good. The shop is famous for its products.
H was pleased when we reached home. I was pleased too. I went straight to bed. It was around 22.00.
It has been so lovely to have the family together again. First time since Christmas.
Thought for the Day

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