Easter Sunday- Put in my place…

Ok ok ok – I eat my words about those bikers. All of them. I underestimated it when I said hundreds. 1000 apparently. Egg on face etc. Good job bikers – ITV NEWS below.

Moving on … I was awake quite late. I fell asleep around 21.30 on the sofa which meant the night was all tipsy turbot. Or even topsy turvy. But after a little sleep meditation I dropped off. It worked! And I didn’t think I would be able to. Drop off that is.

And I didn’t wake until around 06.00. Performed the usual routines some of which ran on a bit although I had stopped. My morning puzzles did not go well. Bit of a disaster.

We were promised the warmest day of the year but I don’t think that was correct because the car registered 21C the other day.

I took the dogs out around 10.00 and the air was sharp and the sky gloomy. We were at Castle Meadows which I had chosen because we could steer clear of the fast moving Thames. Minnie would be bound to leap in and I don’t think it is safe for her. We could avoid sheep and cattle, though the latter will reappear soon. And there would be no football match and associated spectators to jam the parking.

It was lovely out there, though I heard a distant moo so the cattle are not far away. The lower meadows are still very flooded which Minnie quickly discovered to her delight. The sun was gaining ascendancy the longer we were out. Both dogs ran around a lot with Minnie keeping H on her toes. Minnie also spent a while enjoying ballgames.

Wet? Me? Give me that biscuit please? I’ve given you the ball…

Still flooded

A nice man was setting up a kiddy activity as we arrived – egg rolling. I hope they were hard boiled! They will be painting red ones next week in Greece .

Minnie was very wet despite a good shake and a pause by a sunny bench. Once home, I put both dogs in the garden but they started competitive barking which was not very Eastery of them. H was allowed loose in the house but Minnie was confined to the kitchen until she had dried out.

We went to the Bear, for another excellent Sunday lunch. They were very busy and overlooked our drinks until I reminded them, quite forcefully, after over 20 minutes. By then, we had already received three unsolicited apologies. Trouble is, apologies do not quench thirst. Nor did they bring forth our modest drinks. Sparkling water and zero beer.

One litre of sparkling water and a tasty dinner later, I returned home. I brought T back as well though I thought long and hard about it.
On the way to the pub, in one of his daily fits of bad temper he remarked that he didn’t think my brain was connected to the rest of my body.

He could well be right, and I could probably accept such a comment from almost anybody else but him. His brain is definitely not connected. To anything much. It just made me bite my lip so hard I’m surprised it is still there.

The dogs were pleased to see us again. I snoozed off my lunch and did little for the rest of the day. I could hear T crashing around in the kitchen but i chose to remain out of the way to avoid likely Doomsday.

Next moan Jacqui Lawson E-cards. Three have landed in my inbox today. That means I will have to open, and then be bored to tears by the three of them and their twinkly music and naff bunnies. Or whatever. And if I don’t open them, the sender knows, and I get chased by further inbox messages saying I haven’t opened them. And, as if opening them is not bad enough, a reply is expected where I tell porky pies about how appreciated they are. Yeah right. Perhaps I should just say not to send me one ever again. Ever. And, each card requires your time to listen, read and admire them. I spend enough of my time doing things I don’t want to do without Jacqui Lawson adding to it. Internet research tells me I am not alone in feeling this way. I’d rather have a short email or text or similar which someone has actually put thought into writing.

George has arrived safely at La Thuile in Italy, more or less on time, so not too held up in Dover. He is a black run skier.
Fleur has been working on her snow boarding. Taught by Tim to build on her February experience.
The scenery is stunning and there are few people.

Somewhat Random Thoughts for the Day

The Masters Golf has been taking place






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