The Cormorant was in the wrong tree

Well, I’ve had quite a lot of sleep but I received a sharp warning this morning that all was not yet over. So I explained to H that we would probably have a walk later.

I fed T his brekkie and eyed up the solid blue sky. Then I checked the back of the house for any lurking blackness, but solid blue prevailed.

A few puzzles later, and I was up and showered. And so was T. Demanding that we do something. Anything to shut him up!

I suggested we try Pangbourne, which we did, arriving under still blue sky late in the morning.
H appeared glad to be properly out and about again. The first thing she did was scatter all the birds, geese, swans, ducks and other motley creatures, as they peacefully grazed near the bridge.

As we walked over the meadow, avoiding the more marshy puddly areas, H spotted our log. And she hurtled towards it, leaping on to it where she sat and awaited our arrival, looking very pleased with herself.

The meadows were not busy with humans when we arrived, but more and more push chairs appeared being pushed, as push chairs are, through the squelchy grass. Toddlers in all in one suits and wellies abounded. But they mostly confined themselves to near the bridge on the territory once claimed by the bird population.

For once, T managed not to spoil a good walk and seemed content to enjoy sitting on the log in the warm sunshine. It was warm though he complained it was not warm enough. But it was not his usual constant stream of complaint. H snuffles around in the undergrowth or just sits. Or sits on the log beside me for a big love in. She declines to sit beside me at home or on other benches when we are out.

I often sit and watch the cormorant and his mates if they are visiting. I thought T might be interested. Unfortunately, he was in the wrong tree, so too far away to be of interest. Too small to see.

We retreated to the car after a goodly while outside. My aches and pains which have plagued my joints for the last few days seem to be acknowledging defeat and are in retreat. I think.

And I didn’t need a loo until I got home. But I’m still wary of eating my usual range of veg. Annoying because I have some lovely sprouts just waiting.

We visited the Village Cafe in Goring for soup and a sandwich. The soup was broccoli – fingers crossed. They were struggling a bit to fulfil orders and we had quite await. Someone even gave up waiting and asked for a refund. Probably justified, the wait was long.

Then – home – and another snooze. I really have appreciated all the snoozing I have done lately. We are receiving Minnie tomorrow for a sleep over or two so that will be nice for H. Although H likes her own company, I believe having another dog around keeps her stimulated. And it must be more interesting than putting up with two old fogies.

The river has calmed down a bit although water levels are still high. The footpath in Goring is clear of water again.

We were just doing what old people do!

Beyond Paradise has drawn to an end. I didn’t see that coming!
Raindogs – a comedy? I must have mislaid my sense of humour.

Thought for the Day

The speeding underwater bit – I have seen them dive not to be seen again. But they must be disappointed by water depths here.






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