Can’t remember what the night was like but I think I finally awoke quite late. I must have performed the usual routines because it would have remembered if I had not.
H and I tottered off out around 11.00, mindful that it was the first weekend of the school holidays and that everywhere is still very soggy. This would probably mean a likely combination of people and wet in my top walking places.
We had decided to have a curry from Masooms for lunch so I drove to Goring walk H. The Rec would be excluded due to football matches; Gatehampton has sheep and possibly lambs; and would be soggy; so I decided on the Thames Path from the middle of Goring.

Not entirely wise. I was able to park conveniently, but the river was in a dangerously high state and was very fast flowing. It would not have been safe to let H off the lead – for her safety and for that of other walkers.
Many of the Mooring posts were buried under water as were steps and walkways round the lock. A duck hitched a lift from the current and is probably in London by now.
So H remained on the lead and we returned to the car. I ordered from Masooms and grabbed a drink in the Village Cafe while I waited.
The curry was excellent although it was the evening before T ate his. I fell asleep.
I later caught up with an old series of Bake Off. I am saving some BBC stuff for live episodes including Blue Lights and the Magpie Murder series that started yesterday. I had to watch the first episode again due to being confused over time shifts. There was a lot to take in anyway.
G is due to leave in a coach for his school ski trip on either Thursday or Saturday. I am keeping my fingers crossed for him as similar trips have been. cancelled due to the coach chaos at Dover.
Meanwhile the idiot of a woman who passes for Home Secretary puts the delays down everything except Brexit. Clearly nothing to do with the fact that pre Brexit, coach passengers used to remain in situ and were subject to minimal passport checks. Now they all have to exit the coaches and be personally subjected to strip searches whilst their life histories are checked out; DNA taken etc etc. As some angry parent pointed out, this generation of school children has missed out on various trips due to the pandemic. George has. I hope his trip is not affected. I think Frankie missed out too.
The afternoon passed in idleness as did the evening. Tomorrow will be different. The Illis ate coming for early supper.
Thought for the Day

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