
A bit of an interrupted night- busy brain and weird dreams.
An early start and then I dozed off again. I got involved with Race across the World in my dream and the race was not going well. although the precise details escape me.
H and I had a little chat about where we should go for our walk, she had made it very clear yesterday that she was not up for getting wet anymore.
But it was not actually raining. And I noted an absence of rain in the forecast for next week. So we went for a quick walk to the Rec and back, followed by a better effort a few hours later.

Look no rain…

I really wanted to go to Pangbourne but we agreed it would be too wet underfoot. So we went to Castle Meadows. That old favourite.

Even a few dry hours was having a positive effect on the paths , but the water meadows were very watery. And the river was high.
Same boat, yesterday and then today.

In the second picture it is floating much higher.
The rain held off once the early damp had passed.

The walkway in the grotto is under water.

I came home and stuffed food into T and fell asleep.

I awoke with mild hypothermia because some silly person had left the back door wide open. And that silly person was fiddling in the garden. My heart sank as I thought of all my holes with new plants in them. T would not notice such items. And they would be flattened. Despite the fact I had placed bamboo sticks by them all.

Annoyingly, all the rain has made the grass grow since I mowed it a few days ago. I hate that mower and it’s annoying cable. I’d probably hate any mower with or without a cable. It’s just another job T can’t do.

I discovered he had tipped the food waste bin into the recycling bin. It wasn’t that full, but I just did not get to it in time after emptying it ahead the bin men which was only on Thursday. I just need to take my eye off the ball for a moment and chaos erupts.
I’ve done very little today.

WordPress is still cluttering my email inbox with footling messages and I can’t work out how to stop it, never mind why they started.
And I don’t much like the results of the recent phone update either. Perhaps Apple could concentrate on improving their predictive text.

It has been one of those days.

Thought for the Day






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