Another crap night’s sleep with lots of ups and downs.
It was a crappy, soggy morning so there was no need to move. No cleaners this week, because they are fortnightly visitors. I thought I had a hair appointment, but that was a mistake. Luckily, I checked it before I left home. They send reminder texts anyway and I had not had any of those. So a lie in was in order.
I performed the usual routines and nipped out between showers with H to the Rec and back. Not much of a walk.
I eventually dug T out of bed and we headed for Queensford Lake at Berinsfield where there is regulated open water swimming in the warmer months. And a big inflatable playground in the water and kayak and paddle board hire etc etc.

Sunny a few moments later …

We inspected the facilities and had a very filling snack at the Wandering Kitchen Cafe. Which doesn’t wander at Berinsfield, but wanders elsewhere. Sometimes. It overlooks one of the lakes and is quite scenically situated.
It absolutely poured down whilst we were there. The skies were leaden, dark and heavy.
There is a walking track around the lakes but it is on private land and they charge £5.00 for a family to use it. Slightly less for a single person. But it is a lovely pleasant place to be, so I may revisit tomorrow if the weather is better. We did not fork out cash for the walk today due to the unpredictable and extremely wet weather.
Further investigation has revealed that all the lakes here, and there are several, appear to be privately owned by fishing clubs etc, so there is either no access or you have to pay.
We then did a tour of the lanes of West Berkshire, which were mostly drowning in the rain. H got another quick walk on the old rail track at Hampstead Norreys but we had to retreat prematurely because the heavens opened once again.
Someone has taken to spraying piles of dog poo with bright orange neon paint. I counted 11 sprayed heaps on our short walk. Without exception, these poos were pooed by dogs with a big a..e. So a big dog. Maybe even the same big dog was responsible for the lot. Which i suspect might be the case. But why the spray? To highlight the problem?

I had a long chat with Pen when we arrived home. She and Dave have both been poorly. Dave particularly so with a horrendous cough and temperature. They are not the only people I have known to be suffering from these symptoms.
We’ve already had 195% of seasonal rainfall for March – and a big wet and windy storm is forecast arriving overnight. So I expect 200% to be breached. But it was 15C today.
Thought for the Day

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