I passed a much better night last night thank goodness. Was awake for a short spell then deeply asleep again. Deeply being the vital word.
The day dawned unpleasantly grey and wet. And stayed that way with a definite Autumnal (??) feel.
T took a little while to get going this morning, but did get there in the end. And he was delivered to day care in time.
H and I returned to Castle Meadows – two main reasons – it’s a less hazardous walk and I was hopeful I might find the lost lead. The walk worked out – but no lead.
Suspiciously, I eyed up another dog walker wielding a lead the same as my missing one, but I noticed an extra silver fob on it. So not my lead. We were lucky. We set off in heavy drizzle which mostly cleared up so we were not too damp.
Upon my return home, I hunted for the hose pipe. Researching Amazon suggested it had been delivered on Monday. Not that I knew of! And T had been at Daycare. But further investigation at home revealed it nestled, snake-like in a corner of T’s study. In a box. Complete with all its accessories I hope.
Next there was the rubbish to deal with. My aim is to get it out of T’s way before he decides to organise it all. I carried out various other boring chores before collapsing onto the sofa and resting my whole self, including my eyes.
The alarm put paid to those eyes being rested. And I collected T . Cathy popped out to greet me waving a brown envelope of bad news. An increase from £15.00 per day to £17.00 per day, which is quite a big increase. But it is their first increase in two years, and Daycare provides such good value that I am more than happy to pay. (Bearing in mind that Newbury Daycare was £50.00 per day plus lunch costs).
Also they are closing for all of two days over Easter. Just the Friday and the Monday.
It was a bit of a double whammy because Vodafone also hit me with increases to mobile charges and even a triple whammy if you include Shell Energy’s increase from last week. These are the days.
T didn’t last long and took himself off to bed for a long snooze. It was too wet to do anything outside so I watched some of a previous series of Race Across the World. It is interesting that in Series 1 and 2, the most tricky characters have been 20ish sons, each travelling with a parent. Sulky, moody, lurching from the positive to negative, cooperative to uncooperative. Episode 2 of series 3 beckons later this evening. Son number 1 came good in the end. Son number 2 wants to, but has he the staying power?
Autumn appears to be setting in despite the lighter nights. At least my newly planted plants will benefit from the rain.
I bought an agapanthus today which also needs a hole.
Thought for the Day
Cats deserve some input

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