After a few really good nights – I have returned to the bad old nights. Least said, the better.
T was up and showered eventually.
I can’t remember if I have mentioned, but he is having increasing trouble getting dressed. He seems to be losing the plot about his clothes. I can put them out and he often puts them away rather than put them on.
But the odd new thing is he asks me what to do with an item of clothing. Eg he stands holding a shirt and asks me what to do with it. And he doesn’t understand layers of clothing any more.
After T was delivered to Daycare, H and I went to Castle Meadows. By now the grey skies were deepest blue and the sun offered real warmth. And I dropped the lead somewhere which is a shame. A special lead that. Bought in Palaiochora pet shop. Luckily I got another at half price this autumn. I use it for Minnie.
A quick nip into Lidl yielded one of their crusty brown loaves, some grapes and other fruit and then we scapered home.
At home there were jobs stacked up. I overlooked the inside ones because outside was inviting me to plant my three or four plants. And it was sunny.

So I dug a few holes and popped the plants, including the new rose in them. I had picked up a couple of black currant twiggy plants in Lidl. We now have an orchard! Two blackcurrants and a mini apple tree from last year. Or a small tree that bears mini bite-sized apples. A bit like big Maltesers. No – not crab apples.
The pots are still looking a mess and the grass is either tussocky, weeds or dead.
But … I think I have made a fortunate discovery. There may be a fourth clematis that has survived. A rather spindly job. But it may be that the other very expensive one I bought and planted by the back fence, is making a bid for resurrection. It appeared to die off almost as soon as I planted it last summer. I even considered asking for my money back. It’s flowers were saucer sized and deep red. It would be good if it does grow.
On the other hand, it might just be a weed. But the leaves have a look of clematis about them.
I had a little rest. And pondered the fact that our country, (England and Scotland) is now run by Brits of Indian and Pakistan cultural heritage. Hindu and Muslim. Good luck to them.
They might make less of a mess of things.
T was waiting to be picked up and I brought him home and hit the grass walking. Behind the mower. Slowly, to avoid tripping over the wire. I was glad to get it done – first cut since November. Rain is forecast for the next few days and I want to get weeds killed and new seed scattered. I need a cordless mower.
The next job involved watering weed killer onto the grass but the weed killer has been removed by someone. I could not find it.
Probably the same person who took the rolls, which were my emergency bread supply, out of the freezer. They were defrosted. Annoying. I’m afraid I just put them back in the freezer again. Hope that is not too deadly. It’s fairly full at the moment after I stocked up with help yourself frozen veg and fruit.
I really can’t take my eyes off T without trouble being caused. He even moved my orange tree despite a notice advising against moving it.
It seems to have survived its drowning and even has two new buds. I’ve eaten two little oranges. Marble sized. Tart but yummy.
Nothing much happened during the rest of the day. T offered to help in the garden but that never works out because he does not understand instructions. Eg bring the brown bin into the garden. ‘Where is it?’ ‘The other side of the gate.’
I thought he went outside the gate to bring it in. But he reappeared without it. Job not done.
The rest of the day drifted past me after all my gardening exploits.
Thought for the Day

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