
I had a really good sleep with only one half hearted interruption.
I was minded that it was a Day Care Day and that we would need to get up eventually. T got himself into the shower first. And I just concentrated hard on the fact I was in no hurry to do anything, though there were deadlines of sorts.

He was dropped off a little later than I would have wished because I was supposed to be at the Illis at 10.30. It was nearly 11.00 when I arrived. By that time, I had walked H at Cholsey, bought some cake from the Oxshed as a thank you to Ali, returned H home, battled with the car alarm and hunted out door keys.
Our walk was under blue skies, which quickly changed to darker, glum ones. And a few spots of rain fell.

I arrived at Ali’s to take advantage of her help in completing the long overdue attendance allowance form, which, if approved, should bring us an extra £60 (un-means tested) per week as well as 25% reduction in council tax. And a blue badge if I apply for one. And official carer status for me, which should bring reduced price / free entry to certain attractions.
I could have applied for this years ago in the pre-pandemic days, when official people were available to help you complete it. So you didn’t mess it up.

I had largely completed it a year ago but abandoned it for some reason or other. But the sections I had completed, helped us complete an up to date online version.

Alex was in charge. But when she printed it something had gone wrong, the logic of which was not clear. The first 20 odd pages were not the completed version just the questions and blank tick and text boxes. However the last 10 pages were completed.
It did not make any sense. And did require redoing. With gritted teeth and determination, we tried to remember what had been entered before. Luckily we had the paper draft to help.

Oh the frustration of it all!
But I will be forever grateful to Ali for perseverance and kicking my arse into action.

I left clutching the brown envelope with its inclusions of POA for wealth and finance and the medical report from the psychiatric nurse, a year ago. If we were to be lucky, we might qualify for the higher weekly rate, but our case is flimsy.

I keep putting off getting T’s and my hearing tested but the thought of introducing him to a heating aid and then managing it … or two of them… does not bear thinking about.

I was just in time to rescue Daycare from his ministrations. And we returned home. He went to sleep for several hours which meant a peaceful evening until I was ready for bed.

Thought for the Day






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