A reasonable night with an early wake up and early cuppa coffee. T did not have a good day yesterday and this morning carried on in the same vein.
Getting him up was a battle – Why do I have to get up? Where are we going? What do you mean – Social Club?
But we made it! The morning had dawned ghastly and very very wet. However, by the time I was out with H, around 10.00, there was wall to wall sunshine with very few people about. The ground was sodden and slippery, but it was so lovely in the sun.

I came home and made and ate parsnip and sweet potato soup. Did some tidying etc and was in despair over my kitchen work surfaces. I turned my attention to the flower pots in the garden and gave them a bit of a sort through. I was quite sad that a lot of my familiar friends (plants) have not made it through the winter. I’m not sure why this winter has seen off various old favorites.
It’s bin day tomorrow – recycling and garden rubbish. Hence my green fingered efforts.
I came into relax and to watch some of the Boris pants. Or even pantomime.
Boris has had a makeover – not sure if it included an honesty make over. But his hair looked almost styled and almost under control, and he looked less crumpled. His introductory statement raised my hackles because he seemed to be telling the committee what they had found out or (what he wanted them to have found out). He got a little flustered and almost lost it towards the end.
In the middle of it, I remembered to pick up T. After a tricksy start to the day, he was chirpy and compliant. But, unfortunately, he is generally in restless mode which means possible big trouble and possible friction. I must bite my lip.
I’m out to lunch tomorrow which signals danger.
Thought for the Day

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