Fifty Two Years

That’s how long we have been married. Blooming long time. Three years is how long it is since Biris called the first lock down. To the day, which was a Friday. And there is yet another anniversary today, 20 years since Iraq was bombed in the Bush / Blair murderous debacle.

Last night was not great at the start but ended up just fine. And we arose in time to get T to Daycare.

As for H and myself, we went to Castle Meadows under dull skies. There was a bit of a chilly breeze but I risked no coat. And it was also just fine.
Some one has produced useful new leaflets explaining the meadows. The leaflet boxes had been empty for as long as we have been going there. But not any more.

Because the maps are of different time periods, it would have been even more helpful if they could have linked the same spots in both maps with a star or similar. The Motte seems to be the key.

Filling in the Craters in Crater Lane would also be a kindness.
H seemed to be enjoying herself. I did too.
We went down to what I now know is point 5 on the map, AKA the Grotto. Someone has been busy clearing the area which had been very overgrown and a tripping zone for me. But now the trees are stark and there are hints of what might have been – dying snowdrops, flowering hyacinths and daffodils.

The bench is in the Grotto

H and I returned to the car and I took a quick dash into Waitrose. We needed household cleaning items and replacement grapes which never seem to last long.
On the way into the house, I checked out a fancy label on the lamp post – all is made clear. I was correct in that the street lamp had been changed. Tracey next door, looked at me as though I was crazy when I asked her if she had noticed a difference with the light.

Well done SODC!

Next up was sorting rubbish and getting rid of an accumulation of cardboard boxes into the recycling bin. If T sees them, they have to be preserved for future use, never mind the fact the shape might be wholly inappropriate.
Another beautiful flower arrangement arrived from T (!) organised by Pen.

There was time for a little relaxation before I felt myself subsiding into the danger zone. T was picked up and has retired to bed. Well, it is 16.30!

Off to Art tomorrow morning – something to do with atmosphere and waiters.

I had only just escaped dropping into the danger zone and T was duly collected. We returned, me knowing that Ali and F would call round.
They knocked me over with a gift of a great idea – a pretty water jug with matching glasses and a tray for the garden, when (if) the weather decides to improve. Plastic so likely to survive.

The evening passed me by, and T too. The grapes did not survive.

Thought for the Day

I had better buy more!!






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