
A crap sleep last night. Waking up at 05.00 is alright, but awaking at 02.30 is definitely not good. I did not feel particularly tired so finished off the Christine McGuiness autism film. I felt quite peaceful, just lying there and eventually got myself a hot drink around 05.00.

Leaving T to enjoy more beauty sleep, I took H off to Pangbourne Meadows, where she came and snuggled up to me on the log where I was sitting. We admired the birds – red kites, Canada geese, ducks, seagulls, swans, herons, cormorants and … crows! It was quite noisy out there!

Two birds
Branch swap

The river was higher, and faster flowing after the recent rain.

H enjoying her walk

It was very pleasant out there and I was regretful to leave. Grey and miserable, but the sky was full of hints of blue as I left.

We were due to go out to a soup lunch / get together nearby. I was not sure what to expect, and my enthusiasm about being present had waned, but there was a gathering of the elderly, who were largely very pleasant and two were quite disabled and using rollators. The soup came in two varieties – yellow or red. The yellow one being parsnip and sweet potato. The red one was red cabbage and tangy and took me by surprise. Both were yummy.
I don’t think T really knew what was going on as I had had to drag him from his bed. He arrived at the car clutching two pairs of underpants, one pair of summer shorts, a polo shirt and a sweater.
I don’t know what was going on in his head.

In addition to losing the back door key, despite the fact it has a big wooden tag attached, he has also mislaid the counter top food bin. Goodness knows where it is. And there is no point in asking him.

It was vegetable curry for supper which was totally delicious, made with one of the Holy Cow curry sauces.

I’m afraid my intentions to do some drawing fell apart and snooze time arrived. Between 14.00 and 15.00 is the danger time.

It is Comic Relief day tomorrow. It never fails to annoy me. I’m all up for the fundraising, I just don’t like the TV coverage. Same as Pudsey really. I don’t like the camera snips, nor the acting slots, not the audience participation. Nor the presenters being so false, for the most part.

And while I’m on a roll, I think any more botoxed lips on the Apprentice should bring instant disqualification to the owner.

I can hear T in the kitchen now. The taps are on full so the floor will be getting a good shower. The sinks will be full and I will have to roll my sleeves up to stop them getting wet. Nothing more annoying than wet cuffs.

The contents of the fridge have been redistributed once more. And my petits fours box is empty.

It is all quite wearying. But my head is above water.

Thought for the Day

Only someone very silly would superglue their fingers together






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