A Lesson in Autism. Or Two lessons in Autism.

The night was good apart from waking at 04.30 and requiring caffeine. After which I drifted off again.
We were up and dressed early for T’s Daycare. An hour early. T doesn’t understand the concept of ‘early’. If he is ready to go, that is what he expects to do. Never mind the fact our destination may not be open or available.

I have not helped matters because I did not reset his special dementia clock when the hour went back last October. No point in doing it now!

So H got an early walk through the fields at Cholsey. We obeyed the closed footpath signs although this was probably not necessary. Local intelligence suggested there was a bridge that was under repair on a long circular walk. This could involve an inconvenient and long return. Hence signs saying the footpath was closed.

I dropped T off at Daycare. This surprised him because I think he thought he had done his bit for the day, whereas it was just beginning.


I returned to do shopping; change sheets; load washing machine; load dishwasher; sort rubbish and drag it kerbside . I was knackered.

I then did a bit more work on Obi and Heiskar – not very successful, but well textured.

The eyes do not have it

I think I may have fallen asleep and the alarms were not having much effect. It was after 15.00 when it finally dawned on me that I would be late for T. A rocket up my backside, I rescued him just in the nick of time.
Our morning walk had been in shy sunshine, but by now it was drizzly and grey.

I watched a very interesting programme fronted by Chris Packham – Inside the Autistic Mind. It is one of two, delving into how autistic people feel and how they mask it. Neurodiverse is the current PC terminology. Chris Packham is neurodiverse .
One of the main takeaways – a few years ago, it was thought autism occurred in a ratio of 10 men to 1 woman. Now they believe it is in a ratio of 2:1. Women are apparently better at masking it. BUT high functioning autistic women are 10 X as likely to commit suicide. Four different people were tracked, each making a short film, each one demonstrating their autistic experience. There is still an episode to watch. Having caught up – they are amazing insights.

Then followed a programme with Christine McGuiness on the same subject – as an autistic mother of 3 autistic children. These programmes have been real eye openers for me and I utterly recommend them.

Talking to Pen on the phone, between the programmes, about what adolescents have to contend with these days, including gender issues, led her, then me, to wonder if some of those with gender issues were autistic rather than in the wrong gender. It’s to do with the feeling of not fitting in and looking for a way to be able to. (Fit in) Food for thought.

But then, on another note, I ended up confused! By one young autistic man who was not a trans musician/ DJ. But a trance musician / DJ. Doh! My new first name is Naive or perhaps Innocent.

I also managed to listen to a podcast about mattresses. And, inadvertently, naively and innocently, last November, I appear to have bought the Which best recommended mattress for construction value and comfort – thanks IKEA.

Teachers have been on strike today, so have our local news journalists. And Jeremy has delivered his budget. It’s a good one if you are already wealthy, or need childcare.

Thought for the Day






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