
So much a better night, which was a relief after the night before, and after reading about the importance of sleep for resting the brain to avoid dementia. And then I got bombarded by how the Mediterranean Diet can help prevent/ delay dementia – especially vascular rather than Alzheimer’s. All good stuff.
So, today, lunch was the remaining home made mushroom soup . T ate his. Again. Doing well here. Tonight will be some smoked mackerel, salad and veg.
I maybe should mention the hot cross bun that was for brekkie. A kind present from Brenda yesterday. Or a present from kind Brenda yesterday.

I was able to get H out for a walk before departing for Abingdon. Now the mornings are lighter, that is easier. However in a couple of weeks I think they will darken again for a while.
The walk was in drizzly and damp conditions , which brightened up as the day progressed.
I always enjoy the drive to Abingdon which takes me along rural roads through villages. But it takes 40 minutes and it will be a relief to regain the travelling time after Easter. I will miss Abingdon but I think I have reached the end there. I need to learn to be more imaginative. Somehow. And I prefer to paint my own subject matter. But I have enjoyed the three courses I have done.

It was nice to paint somewhere that I have been!
But then Fleur does this :

And Pen does amazing things with what seem like a few deft daubs or strokes:

Meanwhile, as for me, Obi is still awaiting further attention and is still suffering electric shock and Heidi/ Oskar still awaits a body.

I returned home with the initial Coliseum and improved and almost finished it this afternoon.

T was still in bed and pleasantly unsociable ( ie quiet and keeping out of my way). He failed to recognise the Coliseum. Not sure if the painting was really that bad. He just said it was an old building.

He did not eat much of his supper, but I can see he has investigated the contents of the fridge. Most of the fruit has disappeared but there are still plenty of veg.

It was another of those evening that drifts past me. Interior Design Masters, always worth a watch, focussed on redesigning 3 nursery rooms. It was only Mongewell Park, the one Fleur and George went to. There were some imaginative designs but it was not difficult to see why the departee departed!
Why build a sandpit inside a nursery? They will have a few of those outside! With splintery logs around it? She really shit herself in the foot when she commented ( safeguarding in mind) that the children would play on logs outside. So inside was OK.

And so to bed.

Thought for the Day

Top place, Rome – memories of 5 days there in February 2012- lots of snow!!! And 6 Nations Rugby. In the snow. Paris Match was cancelled. In Rome they just swept the pitch. Transport seized up. It is not supposed to snow in Rome.






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