Wittshort Day

Just as I tell myself I’m developing greater patience and the ability to walk away… this happens…

OK – the sun is out, but that does not mean it’s warm. So why are all the windows ( apart from the ones I have locked) open wide – so wide I can’t reach them to close them. I just found it rather chilly so turned the CH up. No wonder it was chilly.

Next – the contents of the food bin are now mingling with the contents of the recycling bin. Entirely my fault because I know very well I have to get to the food bin before he does, when it is looking nearly full.
But sometimes, just sometimes, I wonder why I have to put up with all this stupidity and nonsense. And sometimes, just sometimes , I don’t feel like doing something at a certain time in order to prevent chaos. And all the time, yes all the time, I know I will end up paying the price if I don’t intervene in time.

And everyday, yes everyday, I wish I didn’t have to talk to a brick wall or I wish that IF I HAVE to make conversation, it is actually a conversation and not repeated and rude and drivel response.

RANT. Over!

I did not sleep that badly. Or that well either. There was humane conversation to be had via text, before I discovered the ‘mischief.’ Aka shit.

We are off to the Illis later in the day so I shall make a rhubarb cake. I will make it big enough for Brenda and Val to have some when they visit tomorrow .

The day took a moribund turn but I did bake two rhubarb cakes – one for today and one for tomorrow. The recipe was not entirely convincing as the quantities were rather strange. Half a cup of cinnamon for a thin crumble to top the sponge? I don’t think so somehow! Anyway I was a bit of a chicken and reduced the quantity by about 75%.

I am pleased to note that Jennifer Saunders starts her day much as I start mine – Wordle, Quordle, Worldle, Wordiply etc. Perhaps she should be invited to join our wattsapp group. And maybe she doesn’t know about Waffle and Squaredle .

it’s 16.15 now and I’m still waiting for T to get his act together. It’s painful watching him. He has just asked me where his clothes are. When I put them out, he does not put them on. He ‘chooses’ something else. And he has just retrieved an armful of pairs of socks from the wardrobe when one pair will do.
H has been remarkably patient.

The grass is a mess and the plant pots need attention!

We gave H a quick walk on Lardon Chase just as drizzle was falling. I’ve done something to my ankle, which is painful and weak, so Lardon Chase was not the most sensible place to walk, with its lumpy tracks and slopes at funny angles.
T was easily distracted by all the twiggy branches. My heart sank, briefly as he wrestled with a tree or two.

We had been invited for a meal at the Illis with Fleur and Dave. It was Hello Fresh cauliflower teriyaki and was very delicious. Thank you Dave. George and Ali were in Canterbury for hockey. The rhubarb cake followed nicely.

We returned home and I prepared myself to watch the Great Pottery Throw Down final. But it was on later than usual, thanks to Crufts. And I will have to make do with catch up.
A day of doing nothing was so exhausting that the sofa wove it’s magic spell. And I fell asleep.

Tomorrow , Val and Brenda are visiting at lunch time. And I have H to walk, and T to get to Daycare. Before I cook a kedgeree. And tidy up.

Thought for the Day






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