Another up and downer of a night, but we survived and awoke around 05.30. This meant the usual routines took place followed by a little lie in. T found it a bit tricky to get himself up today, for daycare, but did comply, after suggesting he ‘give it a miss today.’ He did not put up much resistance.
The day dawned grey with wet snow showers. I offered H the chance to go out at around 06.00. But she saw the blobby flakes and quickly backed away from the open door. There are really nasty conditions to the north.
I dropped T at daycare ( magician this afternoon) and H and I took an uncomfortable walk at Castle Meadows. The slippery ground had returned with a vengeance. However it did not bother H who kept herself active and on the move. The wind was extremely chilly. The sort of wind that finds its way inside the folds of your clothing. And chills to the core. I pulled my hat down over my ears and told it to stay there.
Waitrose followed next. The car park was heaving, but I am not sure why. The car park also serves other areas of the town, but with a parking time limit. Flowbird was playing up, asking me to re register. That involves finding passwords etc.
It was time for a massive fresh food shop. Soups will happen over the next week, starting with cauliflower today. I think I over garlicked it a bit. But it was very tasty – simple ingredients, cauliflower, onion, carrot. Bay leaf and thyme. It was also very filling.

The soup preparation was just one of my chores. The dishwasher needed emptying, and refilling and there was washing to extract from the tumble dryer.
Never mind clearing the fridge and unpacking the shopping. Never mind dragging it all in from the car. Never mind grabbing it from the shelves and into the trolley and out of the trolley to the till and then back again into the trolley… Grr.
There were bills to pay… it is all never ending.
I received a couple of lovely videos from Reni, showing Millie and Charlie having great fun in their snow. It will be Charlie’s first snow. That took me to over to Crete where Chris enjoyed 29C on his deck today. Another Grr. A jealous one this time.
T came out of Daycentre full of magic beans after a visit by a magician. He was lucky again because I had to battle sleep in order to collect him on time.
I’m not really sure what happened next. I think I did have that sleep. Sandwiches for supper which T ate. Maybe it’s just my cooking he doesn’t eat. And he regards my cold offerings as safer. At the pub, he ate a huge pile of mussels yesterday, and chips and bread. There is only one conclusion to draw – I should stop cooking! How inconvenient!
George and Dave have been busy wearing Dave’s brother’s Afghanistan military cast offs as they are going to a Nerf gun convention on Saturday. The Nerf gun isn’t the only thing G has 3 D printed.
We get to walk Minnie!

Thought for the Day

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