Well not a lot fell here, but old haunts (Burghclere) got a good dose. Despite the lovely Carol Kirkwood banging on about it being the coldest night (-14C) she was talking about elsewhere. Scotland. Which has little relevance to me. She is a Scot which might be why she spends a disproportionate amount of time telling us about Scottish weather.

I didn’t sleep particularly well which meant I awoke and downed coffee and toast and then fell asleep again.
T struggled to get himself up today – he was fairly cooperative. Just slow! At one point he handed me the shirt that I had put out for him and asked me what he was supposed to do with it.
I dropped him at Daycare and gave H a short, Sharp walk at Cholsey Rec. It was not a day to be out for long. It was very grey, very soggy, pretty chilly and sleet was falling.
After dropping H home, I joined the monthly coffee morning in the Pavilion. Nice people there who I see regularly. It would be handy if I could remember a few names ! It’s my turn to do coffee in April.
I was offered a commission by someone, based on the blossom pic. Sadly, I know my limitations and that success for me is flighty. So I turned it down.
I returned home to restart my disastrous painting from the other day. Obi has now taken on a new hairstyle, a perm. Or had a shock. Or been electrocuted. And H (or Oskar) to his right, has half a head and no body. we Yet. Work will continue.

Acrylic paint is an easier medium to manipulate than water colour, because it is more forgiving. Unless you get it on you or your clothing. In that case, revenge is sweet because you cannot get rid of it.
I managed to get it all over me and my clothing and the dining table cloth. Doh!
The day drew on. Slowly. Soup for lunch. T was lucky because I picked him up from Daycare so he could have a rest in bed.
Snow fell on and off all day, but it was wet snow and just a miserable nuisance.
More time spent on the painting, then boring domestic stuff…phone calls from Ali and Pen.
Did I fall asleep on the sofa? What do you think?

Thought for the Day

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