Blossom Impasto

A reasonably good night passed me by. And I was up a little later than I prefer when I have Art to get to.
I peeped cautiously through the curtains to investigate the expected snowfall but it was invisible. It was around 4C so not likely to snow anyway.
I performed the usual early routines and took H off to Streatley Rec for a little stroll. No one else was about, which is unusual, but then the grey chill was a bit of a deterrent.
I left for Abingdon about 15 minutes earlier than usual because I was delayed last week by the temporary traffic lights at Wallingford and then more at Britwell cum Sotwell. And more at …

I arrived very early so was able to sit in the car doing a bit of catch up, among other things. On the journey, I was working on orally texting while you travel, via Siri. And I have discovered how to generate my own messages. I still have to learn the art of speaking clearly.

Art was painting spring blossom using the impasto technique. Ie scraping the paint with a trowel AKA. Palette knife. Most people chose to paint tiddly bits of blossom on a twig against a blue sky. But not me! Far too easy that!

T was not up when I arrived home. I made soup using parsnips, a carrot, a leek and a sweet potato. And a few spices. It must have tasted good, or, alternatively, T was absolutely starving, because he ate all his. I allowed myself another episode of Unforgotten. And then nothing much happened. I may even have fallen asleep for a bit.


It’s Wednesday and it has tried a bit harder, to snow this morning.

Thought for the Day

I’m spoilt for choice






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