The night was a bit interrupted but not too bad. I think I was disturbed by evil thoughts about the tyre pressure light and having to get it sorted.
I was awake around 05.30 to have coffee and stuff toast into T. The good thing about waking early is that I can have a little lie in before levering myself out of bed and into the shower. And I can flex and recover.
And do wordle/ waffle/ quordle etc whilst I enjoy my coffee. Today’s coffee was spectacularly tasty because it was some special make or other.
T was cooperative and was dropped off at Daycare in good time. I went to the nice tyre man who checked my tyres and found that one out of the four was 30 something or other instead of 34. The other 3 were behaving themselves. Could I remember how to recalibrate the warning light?? Or did the handbook remind me? All too easy. I had to refer myself to the internet which took about 2 seconds.
The nice tyre man would take no money and said he did about 10 similar jobs each day. I’ll take him some biscuits next time. Because I’m sure there will be a next time.
And, the obvious question? Why don’t I check the tyres myself? Because I used to do that once. But on the last occasion I nearly emptied all the air out of a tyre , hence I would rather some expert and tyre-intelligent person did it for me.
H and I walked at the base of one of the Clumps. I was only wearing Crocs so didn’t want to go scrambling up without decent footwear. The day was grey and damp with hints of rain.
H didn’t appear to mind.
There was a group of cattle crowded near the gate. These creatures are not stupid. I heard a sudden, loud, mooey commotion and saw a landrover beside the gate. The farmer had arrived and the cattle were ready for the treats he was bringing. The lady farmeress explained she had not handed over much in the way of additional treats yesterday because they hadn’t finished what she had left the day before.
The landrover drove through the gate and up the hill followed by the lolloping cattle.
We walked round the fenced off track to avoid cow problems and then through the field because, by now, the cattle were miles away.
And then home to do some tidying and fill in the nasty form that the Police have sent me for not confirming with the speed limit. Tut tut. I was actually point free. For a couple of months.
I then started another painting but I’m not happy with it and it needs work. I found a lovely photo of Obi with H at his feet, (or it could be Oskar) but I think it’s H.

In my picture, Obi has put on weight and changed shape and H has become part of the background. I’ve already lightened the photo. Pen has suggested using acrylics to remedy it. But I think it might be out of reach of any improvement.
I picked up T, and I’m not certain but I think the Goring yoga lady was there. Perhaps she is bringing her mother. The oldies were playing a game – Higher or Lower I think, when I arrived to pick him up. He came home and retired to bed.
There is the possibility of snow overnight – predicted within a 12 hour window starting at 21.00.
The evening drifted in with a sandwich for tea. A prawn one. And T ate it. And then showered me with praise for its excellence. Why cook when I can slap a few mayonnaisy prawns between two slices of bread?
It is Tuesday morning which means Art. The snow has not fallen here. Yet. But I’ve heard the words -15C mentioned. But I think it was for oop north.
I must remember to get my ticket for Eurovision Song Contest. (Not)
Thought for the Day

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