Because I was out partying last night, I was into bed quite late. So I slept quite well, also until quite late. Well – around 07.00.
The day started slowly and the breakfast cupboard was quite bare. I improvised with cream crackers. Which Tony thought I clearly was. Creamed as well as completely crackers.
I did contemplate a drive to the filling station to buy some interim supplies. But that would have meant getting showered and dressed …
I had expected to be in the best of spirits today.
Eventually, I was spurred into action and H and I wandered along the river for a while. There were not many dogs or their humans around. A grey Saturday was obviously not offering temptation. There was not the usual motley connection of geese and swans. Or many birds at all.
A walk by the river is a real tonic. Never fails – river, lake, sea, all soothe, even on worst weather days.
But the tall tree offered sanctuary to another of those birds that I saw the other day. From its flight body shape, (neck outstretched) I’m fairly certain
it was not a heron which is what I had assumed. Herons fly with their neck retracted. Storks and cormorants fly with their necks stretched as do swans. It certainly was not a swan. And storks are uncommon. So Eleanor was correct the other day, when she suggested cormorant. I’ve been doing my research!

We drove to the emporium at Aldermaston to purchase some goodies. It had stock of those rare items – tomatoes, cucumber and courgettes, but no peppers. I didn’t buy any because I thought they might be expensive. But apples, carrots, sprouts, parsnips and a sweet potato enthusiastically jumped into my trolley. As did frozen gooseberries, blackcurrants, beans and peas. It is one of those places where you can scoop up what you want.
I returned to feed T, who was not up, and to a heap of sleep – about two hours worth for me.
It has been one of those days where I’ve kept my head down to avoid being irritated. Who else would try and eat one of those solid, scented bath blocks? (Won by T in a raffle) It’s sweet, cloying powders are all over the kitchen work top.
Thought for the day

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