
A crap night. Shame after last night. But I dawdled my way through it with the help of an hour from the latest series of Unforgotten, minus the lovely Nicola Walker.
T got up at some point in the night and rustled his way through the fridge. He told me he was eating an apple but I found the empty box. The box that had once contained 4 scones. It scored 0.
Of course, we then slept in rather late which meant getting to Daycare was a bit of a rush.
I then walked H down at Pangbourne . A couple of dogs came to say hello but she was too busy to play. Her concentration was entirely focussed on finding a suitable poo spot. One of the dogs was very fluffy and very white.

We walked a bit further towards Mapledurham than we usually go and H kept up a brisk pace. Probably because it was quite chilly. She had fun with other dogs too.

Back at home, I set out the watercolours because there was a picture of H that I wanted to have a go at. Better than Marie Antoinette and mermaids etc. Last time I tried to draw H was in pencil, around a year ago. People were quite polite but it was not entirely successful. Or even remotely successful. A near disaster. Destined to be archived somewhere out of sight.

Today was marginally better. It may need a background. Ali said it was recognisable as H.

I returned to domestic chores, but didn’t have time to do any because the painting had taken over.
I picked T up at an earlyish time from the Day Centre and we whizzed to the Turkish barber where we were joined by all sorts of other males of various ages. I was very taken by the facial massage that one shiny headed chap received. He had a good beard but nothing up top. That seems to be a bit of a human design flaw – chilly head/ warm cheeks!

I treated T to another coffee at the Village Cafe, mindful of the fact that I am going out tonight.
We had a couple of hours at home before I had to go out.
Jane was well, Sue was not in the best of health due to ear and chest infections. But the catch up was good.
T was lurking when I arrived home around 22.00. Hardly a late night.

Thought for the Day

Next more adventurous steps …






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