Well it is a clean one in Greece and a national Holiday out there. Palaiochora Carnival, on Sunday, looked as if they had some great floats, in the FB pictures. Rebecca posted good ones!
I had a terrible night and was awake early until I drifted off again. And then I awoke late l, which meant T was awake later than I would have wished.
There was a promise of snow flurries but they did not materialise.
We eventually arrived at Daycare and then H and I enjoyed a ramble across the meadows at Little Wittenham. It was cloudy and grey with intermittent spits and spots from the sky above. My bench contemplation was curtailed.

I was glad to get home again because the bad night was taking its toll on me. I prepared cauliflower and leek cheese for supper and downed some pea soup.
The doze danger zone took control and I had unwittingly turned the sound down on my phone. So T was very lucky that the vibrations awoke me, otherwise he would still be at Daycare.
Upon our return home, I thought I would continue my doze but it was not to be, because a nice lady by the name of Janet called by. She is the one trying to organise a local dementia/ care group. The group that didn’t meet last week when I took myself to the Care home. She came to apologise and to say they are changing the focus to a monthly soup and natter.
We talked for a while and then she disappeared. Nice lady though.

It seems that Rishi and my namesake have been working with good cooperation on the NI Protocol. Perhaps there will follow an era of closer relationship. There are still a few blocks to stumble over. The ERG and the DUP for example.
The greatly loveable Betty Boothroyd has departed this earth. She brings to mind an era those mighty Labour unloveables, Barbara Castle and Michael Foot for example.
The vegetable leek and cauliflower cheese supper, that I had prepared earlier, slipped down nicely, whereupon yet another doze was waiting to hijack my evening. T was in restless mode and I could hear all sorts of alarming noises emanating from the kitchen. I gritted my teeth and forced myself to stay on the sofa, out of the way. Any curiosity on my part would almost certainly lead to inflammatory comments. And a clanging match. Or even a slanging one. Same old same old annoyances.
Thought for the Day

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