Yes – definitely off during the night. But that does not appear to be the whole story. It appears to be a different light. No longer do we have a mellow orangey light discreetly illuminating our hallway, during the hours of darkness. Investigation has revealed a new light. One of those lights with LED bulbs or similarly. Someone has sneaked up there and fitted a new and unobtrusive light. I’m not sure light is the correct word to describe it. I am not even sure what it’s purpose is because it doesn’t seem to help see anything. Just as well we had a light fitted at the front door when we moved in. It will be needed now.
I was dead to the world for much of the morning, having woken up feeling not how I wanted to feel – tired and listless.
The day had started bright and sunny but soon deteriorated to cloudy grey. Around 10C.
I eventually arose to give H a walk. We found a footpath that was new to us beside Vicars. This could be a very useful walk, which tracks its way through trees towards open fields or more woodland. I need to check the exact route of the public footpath.
I couldn’t be bothered with supermarkets or posh treats shopping, so Vicars it was. In any case, we have lovely cheese left to enjoy.
I shopped for fruit, veg and bread, mostly. Vicars has plenty of tomatoes and cucumbers and lettuce. It seems the rest of England does not have these items regularly available any more. I also picked up fresh fruit. It may not be the cheapest source, but the quality is reliable and good.
H and I then took our stroll along this winding and wooded track. I suspect the fields are not part of the public footpath. I didn’t have my phone with me – having left it on the car seat of an unlocked car. Either everyone is very honest or a battered iPhone XS is not an attractive proposition, when it comes to risking acquiring a criminal record.
It was just as we were back at the car, and ready to go home, that I noticed my phone and checked it for messages. There was one from Ali asking for sausages and chicken. So another visit to the interior of the shop became necessary.
T was still in bed when we arrived home. Surprise surprise! I got in the way at the Illis as I dropped off their goodies. They all seemed to be departing at the same time. For hockey perhaps.
T got out of bed to watch England play Wales at rugby. And he even became quite animated. He also enjoys The Wheel which followed. But he talks all through whatever he is watching and asks me to explain anything he doesn’t understand. I’m not always paying attention.
Last night, after the meeting, I caught up with a new series: Beyond Paradise following Kris Marshall as DI Goodman, along with his fiancée (who seems to pop up in other series, with Lee Mack for example) now they are back in England from Ste Marie, where they were a few years ago. It holds promise.
I fell asleep on the sofa. Long enough to dream that I was on a cycling holiday somewhere near the sea. In Croatia. We were staying at a B and B and I realised I needed to make a thank you gift for our hosts. So I decided to make a pie! No table, no equipment and don’t ask where the flour etc came from. It was hard work flattening the pastry mix on a grubby camping sheet on the bed. It was too soft and bouncy and not having a rolling pin did not help. Nor did the fact I didn’t have a pie tin, nor any fruit filling, nor even an oven. I was just beginning to panic over all this… I may have woken up. Dreams are strange things. Flattening pastry on a bed … I don’t even know how the ingredients were combined without a bowl…
They had 3 birthdays at the Day Centre on Friday

Anne is no longer coming tomorrow . Some lurgy or other has afflicted her and she is off to NZ on 2 March. So is keeping herself to herself and conserving her energy.
Thought for the Day

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