I did the usual silly o’clock wake up, had toast, fell asleep again and then had to leap to it.
H got a quick walk round Streatley Rec and beyond.
And I managed to leave for Art at a better time than usual. This got me to Abingdon a bit earlier than usual.
It was another grey day at around 10C.
Helen, our teacher, was going to be late arriving today and we had been sent a video to watch. I had started to watch it but had not got to the end, so I set to watching the remaining part. We were to paint images of Viennese coffee and cake or pastry accompaniments. In water colours.
Marguerite was there as usual. I do enjoy these classes and I like Helen and Marguerite very much, but the activities are quite formulaic, so I am also looking forward to the more local class for which I have enrolled through the summer.
This will be on a Wednesday and will fit in between / around Tony’s day care. It will also free up a Tuesday and avoid travelling time to Abingdon and back.
https://the coaching barncom/product/adult-art-club-summer-term/

I’m quite pleased with the croissant!
I returned home to find H pleased to see me and T still in bed where he stayed all day. I had an afternoon snooze so I might stay awake this evening.
T asked me H’s name this evening. I found that very upsetting. I’m sure he will know it again tomorrow but things are slipping further. As I lie here in bed, he has just got up and told me he is going to look for ‘things’. What things? I asked him, and he replied he was just going to see where things are. Whatever that may mean.
And another programme of ‘Know your Sh!t,’ and then it was bedtime. This week’s focus was on personal problems in that department. Usually to do with too much or too little, too liquid or too solid.
Too much information?
Reports from Crete indicate a very warm day out there. Not that I’m jealous or anything. Not even a tiny bit! And if you believe that… it was 27 C in sheltered spots. I suggested to my informant that he is being globally warmed.
Tomorrow there are more excitements awaiting… blood test and possibly a coffee at Friends of the Old Vicarage.
I have an image I want to paint in water colour. If I post it I might actually do it! The flag will be a challenge! As part of the learning process, I have created a whole load of works of art of places and things that mean nothing to me. Houmas Beach is one of our favourites. I might forget the rubbish bin. We shall see.

Thought for the Day

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