And Another Day Passes

Unfortunately I was awake well before 05.00, which was not part of the plan. I’m tired of feeling tired when I wake up. How T manages to sleep through the day and through the night is incomprehensible.

The dogs were not in pester mode. I let Minnie out as I made the coffee, but H was not up for going anywhere in a hurry.

Eventually the dogs and I went to Pangbourne Meadows where we mingled with birds and plenty of other dog walkers. Once I take the ball and the thrower into my hands, Minnie won’t do anything other than watch it very closely. Once thrown, she takes the ball on tour with her. Since she has already mislaid one ball this week, I have to watch the remaining one carefully, lest she abandon it or give it away.
Today was quite interesting because H took over the ball (briefly) and Minnie was too nervous to try and regain it. H couldn’t have cared less.
It was an overcast walk and the day remained that way.

T remained in bed and apart from a few domestic chores, I was fairly static.

I tried watching Hotel Portofino on TVx. This was frustrating due to the amount of buffering. And the adverts. So, I bit the bullet and paid up for premium. One of the reasons we don’t watch much ITV is because I can’t stand ads. Getting rid is the ads makes a big difference but I still get some buffering along with buffering advice.
However, unusually, iPlayer was also playing up a little bit this evening so Internet TV was generally annoying.

But Hotel Portofino is set in beautiful surroundings with beautiful everything else. The plot is entirely predictable. It’s sort of comfort TV. I quite like comfort TV. Until things go wrong.

The day has been peaceful. T stayed in bed.

I didn’t do much with the rest of the day. The dogs were undemanding and H was less interested in external goings on. So all was quiet on the Moulsford Front.

Thought for the Day

Portofino hotel staff in a nutshell






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