And it’s Random Acts of Kindness Day. Whatever will they think of next! Alex seemed to think parenting duties might suffice but I had to point out the lack of randomness involved. Kind – yes. Random – No.
A reasonable night passed by, waking up at the usual sort of time. Well I awoke at 04.00 first but ignored it. T however chose this moment for a midnight feast. Loud chewing.
Despite yesterday’s paucity of activity the dogs were in no hurry to go anywhere until they sensed clothes being hunted out and put on. And then they started circling us.
T was very obliging today and we were ready to leave half an hour ahead of time. I think his being obliging was kind and certainly quite random.
The dogs and I had a very pleasant walk at Castle Meadows. I abandoned my hiking pole, because with a bag of dog poo and a ball thrower, it can be a bit of a pain. The bag of dog poo is quite weighty these days thanks to Minnie’s contribution.
The drop the ball/ have a treat game continued in full swing for Minnie. H’s game is sit with beguiling eyes/ have a treat.
A man in shorts passed by, with a dog that had better things on its mind than keep walking. Keep sitting largely.

I dropped the dogs at home, fed them and went to feed and check on Freddy and Sephy. When Minnie visits, H gets a small brekkie.
I didn’t see Freddy but he has been around. I didn’t see Sephy either but she’s removed her food. Either into her tummy or her bed.
I returned to make a mess of lunch – better not to go into details. But it sent me into a peaceful world where an alarm intruded at 14.15.
H has been quite restless and growly all day. This is very very unusual. She has been disturbed by imaginary people visiting us.

And so the day dragged on. The Illis start their long journey home tomorrow. The Devon family – well progress on the new house keeps them busy. They should be moving in within a couple of months. And Pen will finish her MA soon.
Thought for the Day

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