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I was up at a reasonable time as I had to get the dogs out before my Henley Trip.
Knowing we were due some rain, I had thrown some sodium carbonate on the patio overnight to get rid of unwelcome green hues and other such. This is supposed to be a secret, silent recipe for success.
Unless, by success they mean doggy paw prints on internal flooring, I suggest you forget it.
I brushed it around the patio to see if that would help and then retreated inside to mop the paw prints off the internal floors.
But I returned to the Internet and reread the information to discover it has to sit there for a day or two. Well, we shall see.
The dogs and I did a quick whizz around Streatley Rec before I had to depart. This whizz involved more hi speed ball chasing and treats. And a poo or two.
A big tanker lorry was noisily visiting the little sewage plant. There was no secrecy about what it was up to because the surrounding air gave the game away. Even the dogs steered clear of it.
It reminded me of the latest C4 ‘Know your Sh!t’ programme that I watched recently which was all about farts. And what your farts smell of and why. And how to use diet to reduce the strength of any unpleasant odours. Farts? Unpleasant odors? Really? Not me Guv!
Allegedly we all fart around 15 times a day. We must do it very sneakily because in the normal day mixing with others, you would expect there to be lots taking place.
It’s worth a visit to the programme. A couple of links are above.
Henley was still there.
I returned home via Nettlebed Cheese Factory where I showed restraint.
I could sniff the delicious smell of their toasties, but resisted in order to get back to T. He was still in bed. The dogs were moribund. T and I had cheese and bikkies. And relaxation followed.
It was still raining on and off. A really unpleasant day.
The northern part of the country is promised a big storm over the weekend, Otto I think he is called. We may have wind here.
It has been one of those days – nondescript and relatively uneventful.
Thought for the Day

Did I memtion weather was utterly miserable and wet.
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