
Things are bad out there in Turkey and in Syria. Over 33,000 dead. Most not recovered. Buried under the rubble still. Many have lost extended families. Apparently T’s barber is appealing for blankets etc. Update- they have already left U.K.

We went to bed late. Sleep did not come easily. But I awoke around 06.00. I lay around for a while until T had showered ( yes he was in there first) and then delivered him to Daycare.
He was coughing a lot before I dropped him off – his asthma cough. But at least he was squeaky clean – I saw him clutching a bottle of Fairy Liquid as he advanced towards the en suite. I enquired if he was going to use the shower gel on the dishes but something got lost in translation.

But his cough has been fine since I collected him.

The girls and I enjoyed a lovely walk at Castle Meadows. It was overcast at the start, but the sun was trying its best to interfere with the cloudy proceedings… and even succeeded.

The ball came out and Minnie gave it good chase. Being in crafty mode, I could throw it towards the moat which meant extra work was involved in its retrieval.

The stream did not escape Minnie’s attention either, even though it was now confined deep within the bushes on the lower meadows.

Having a rest
Half a tree

I was home after over an hour out there. Having dropped the dogs off and given them their brekkie, I drove to the Illis and found almost empty cat bowls and a slightly grumpy Freddy awaiting me. Sephy is still with us, though being nocturnal I just earned myself a wriggle. In the straw. Freddy was stalking away over a neighbour’s roof but came to me for a stroke and to test his teeth on my hand.

Lunch and a bit of a snooze followed, after the usual morning chores.
T had managed to wind up another gentleman at Daycare because he kept tapping the table with his fingers. He goes do this occasionally, not so much at home, but if he is feeling impatient. The other chap reacted by banging the table loudly. T banged it back. Idiot! They were not apportioning blame, just warning him if he said anything. Unlikely, was my response, since he won’t remember it. But all his silly muttering is very irritating so I can understand why he would wind someone else up.

I fed him an omelette for his supper. And he actually ate it!

The dogs have remained calm and quiet all day. Tomorrow is more tricky because I have my art class. I think a walk round Streatley Rec with the ball thrower may be the way to go before leaving home. Time is of the essence.

The Illis seem to be having fun. Apparently, F and G have been skiiing on the serious runs. Ali has been more modest. Dave?? They are with three other families so are a group of 18. She tells me they are played their own version of Traitors one evening. I wonder what the round table banishments were like! And who played Claudia / Allan.

Thought for the Day

Happy memories … two weddings …
For the workers of the world






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