Half term = Brats on the loose over the next week. Illis away. Car parking likely to be tricky at top walk places.
I had the MOST delicious sleep last night which involved a block of around completely uninterrupted 5 hours. Unheard of, these days.
It meant no dozing or lie in and I had to feed, water and wake T quite promptly. He actually showered first.
And I bundled both T and H into the car and dropped him off at Daycare. And set off for the Illis.
There I had a welcome cup of coffee, reorganised a dental appointment, received instructions for caring for Freddy and Sephy and gathered up Minnie. Hamsters only live for 2-3 years so Sephy is now well into her dotage. We discussed the possibility of her inconveniently dying during her owner’s absence. I was assured this would not cause huge trauma. Upset- yes, understanding -yes, sadness -yes. However, she is well at the moment.
Freddy, the cat, is a different matter!
I took the dogs, eventually to Long Wittenham where a lovely romp was enjoyed by both dogs. Only, eventually, thanks to all the temporary traffic lights and road works and diversions that I had to negotiate. Three lots altogether.
Minnie continues to push the boundaries of her age as she galloped circles off another 4 legged creature who was not Heidi. H just watched with a sorry shake of the head. But she did some fine trotting and cantering ( and rolling).

Minnie has her bed here. I don’t always bring it because H has two, but for a longer stay, two sitting room dog beds could be handy.
I collected T who seems to have had fun at Daycare.. One of the staff was wondering where we lived but I had to tell her because T could not remember. It is difficult because he won’t carry that information plus phone number on him. So if he were to get lost, lost he would stay! But then there is nothing wrong with him as he keeps reminding me.

If I am to take a holiday in September, he will be in respite care in a home. That has been agreed. Or I should say ‘hotel’ with 5*.
I arrived home and, despite the much appreciated success of last night, I dozed off. I had started to watch Clarksons Farm Season 2. Very enjoyable as far as I got with it.
Ali and Dave are in France now along with my motorway toll gizmo. Which is confirmed to be working after resting for 3 years. I couldn’t find it for our road trip last Autumn.
So, supper for 4 people requires my attention. Two of whom are not people because they are dogs. My wait for the 15kg sack of dog food via Amazon continues. Apologies for lateness doesn’t quite cut the mustard when it was given to the carriers 10 days ago. A replacement has been ordered. Apparently the fact it is supposedly en route, despite the fact there is no tracking info, does not qualify me for a refund. Yet. I’ve just sent a swinging complaint to supplier, whose fault it is not. Apart from in their choice of courier.
I passed T’s Turkish barber in Goring. His family are fine – I suspect they are probably not in earthquake zone, but elsewhere in Turkey.
I might have fallen asleep…
Thought for the Day

Someone does not think much of Goring MP
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