Again! Yes out to lunch again!
Burt Bacharach – what a guy. What songs. Thank you for the music… RIP.
I seem to have caught up with a lot of sleep during yesterday evening and overnight, with only limited interruptions. A relief! it was quite late when I awoke – around 06.00 I think.
I flexed a bit which helped my level of consciousness. I poured some toast into T and then contemplated arising.
I had a bit of juggling to do – walking H and then greeting cleaners, sorting T, so I could get out in timely fashion. Too timely as it turned out later.
But I managed it all and was at Hilliers in Hermitage, in very good time. If an hour early is very good time!
The garden centre was a mess due to building works and there was little car parking and reorganisation of the entrances. There were long queues for food and some items were not available. However the coffee was hot, strong and just the job.
But, my jacket potato was not. Not just the job that is. It may have been in the microwave but certainly had never seen the inside of an oven. Rubbish! The coleslaw was tasty but lacking in quantity. I whiled away the extra time until Brenda and Val arrived, Marie pitched up a short while later. And then, to our delight, and unexpectedly, (Dame) Sue arrived with Dean, hot off the plane from the Caribbean.
Amazingly, they knew nothing of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.
It was as a pleasant social occasion. I returned via the wool shop where I purchased the wool that Fleur required for her holiday. She is teaching herself to crochet. And plans to develop this in skiing interludes.
I hope they all return in one piece! George has no fear.
If H knew Minnie was coming for a 10 day sleep over she would be very happy.
T was back in bed munching a piece of double Gloucester with onions. As you do. The house smelt fresh and clean. I carried out some admin and cooked supper. The fish from yesterday. Too full of cheese, T did not eat all his.
BUT … Very exciting news… Ckarkson’s Farm Series 2 is available now. Good reviews. Despite his ‘lack of respect’ towards MM.
Thought for the Day

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