Had another lovely big lump of sleep last night which brought me to consciousness around 06.00, which is better than 04.30, when I landed in reality yesterday.
We had a commitment free day ahead of us which was a lovely prospect. I decided that I would engage in an art project in the morning – applying Klee’s ideas to a portrait/photo of my own. Just needed to find my oil pastels first. Then I would drag T out for a walk with H and myself and we would eat lunch at a pub somewhere.
Well that was the plan but it never entirely kicked in. My pastels – yes I found them, but too late to sit down and do anything sensible. T proved tricky to get up even with the bribe of a lunch out dangling over his head.
I could feel a difficult day overcoming me.
We did the pleasant drive to North Moreton where he turned, what might have been, a pleasant walk into a miserable affair. We wandered across the cricket field behind the pub towards their Rec complete with be-baubled tree. It was one long whinge. It was not cold, but it was. It was not raining, but it was. Etc etc

Back at the car, he had forgotten we were eating out, but he was not really hungry and was generally poor company. Why did I bother? His beer cheered him up, but only marginally.
When we returned home, to snooze off the lunch, I found a line of full zero beer cans lined up on the floor by his side of the bed. About 9 of them in total. And two loo rolls. No point in asking why.

Loo rolls are the latest target. I find them scattered in quantity all over the house- on window sills, by my side of the bed, in the kitchen?! And he needs frisking when he leaves other loos, including public ones, because he will take loo rolls or paper towels out with him in quantity. Specially at Day Care. We have piles of paper towels around the house too.
So today has disappointed – he can stay in bed in future and I will walk on my own. Or, maybe just leave it until warmer weather arrives.
My purchases at Goring Hardware are working wonders for me … the dishwasher has gone through a cleaning cycle and is grease free and sweet smelling. And the mould killer has done just that- killed the mould that was forming on the silicone and grout in our ensuite. I remember scrubbing away at BV in the past with some lesser product. One that did not work. I was a bit sceptical, but no longer.
Now I am going to return there, to the nice man in search of sodium carbonate which will work for me in various ways. NOT sodium bicarbonate or sodium percarbonate. I’m up there with all the science behind cleaning products these days. And cake rising.
I found T investigating the contents of the non en-suite bathroom cupboards which displeased me. I keep all sorts of important things in there – Heidi’s tooth cleaner, LF tests, heavy duty manicure stuff for toes and fingers, H’s worm tabs, irrigation stuff of water glosse and so on. It means nothing to T so he just distributes it as he sees fit around the house. Similarly my art materials. His study is a sight for sore eyes again, every surface loaded with clutter. I need a bin bag!
Thought for the Day

Today’s typos
Evening – benign
decided – de used
down – doenn
Goring – Hiring
I need – I n Ed
cottoned – citrines
I wouldn’t mind typo correction if Apple made sense of mistakes but it just makes nonsense of them, or even nonsense of accurate typing. Other people produce much better predictive text. It is always changing Goring to Hiring
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