Oh poor Nadim… he’s had to resign. Caught out red handed by the new ethics adviser who has not pussy footed around, but gone straight to the point. Who will be next? Dom, hopefully, with a pasting to help him on his way. Suella could do to be removed and then Boris has an uncomfortable few enquiries to deal with.
It was another grey day when daylight appeared. I had awakened at the usual time but then returned myself to sleep. Failed Quordle by one word.
When I finally awoke, I lay around for a bit. For quite a bit. And then H and I visited the mud-free, old railway line at Hampstead Norreys. Some kind person, or people, have trailed along it clearing away all the mushy leaf litter , whilst chopping down a tree or two.
I had forgotten my phone , which is almost unheard of, and my watch was nearly flat. It was hardly an uplifting walk in the grey gloom.
We popped into Vicars on the way back for a fat tube of dog mince to cook up for little H, amongst other things.
T was out of bed but not up and dressed when we returned.
I stowed away the few purchases and then rustled up some left overs into a credible late lunch which T actually ate.
I ignored things that needed doing and watched an episode of US Traitors, set in the same Scottish Castle as the U.K. version. But without Claudia, and with a different, and, very good host. Reviews warn that the American competitors are rather unpleasant to, or about each other, in the way they go about things. I can confirm that.
Further TV items followed. Sunday evenings offers 3 of my favourites which clash. The penultimate episode of Happy Valley was as intriguing as ever. I have, however, now that I have recently watched series 1, discovered a flaw in the overall plot. Clue: Filming of the three series spans 8 years. Ryan was eight in series one and is played by the same actor as a sixteen year old today.
T had a very restless evening as the insides of the fridge testify. I also got quite cross with him in the kitchen as he was fiddling unnecessarily in the sink when I was trying to serve our evening meal. This resulted in him dropping the contents of the food bin on the floor when he was carrying it to empty it into one of the other bins. I tried to explain / remind him that the food bin contents went in the external food bin.
A fairly unpleasant exchange followed where I was reminded that I was an utter idiot and didn’t know what I was talking about.
Five minutes later he was all smiles and stuffing his face.
T won’t have to worry about needing the doctor. He seemed to spend most of last night eating apples. Enough to keep the doctor away for months, never mind a day or two.
H is due routine vaccinations tomorrow.
Thought for the Day

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