I was late to sleep after dozing off. I tried to get involved in Question Time but lost the thread. Although the start of the show was concerned with why all these politicians who get themselves into bother are not suspended until the truth is established. Or are asked to step aside would be another way of putting it.
It seems blindingly obvious that this should happen to me as it would be the norm in any other job. We don’t let surgeons continue to operate if they are suspected of having let the knife slip a few times in previous operations. Dominic Raab has about 20 people accusing him of bullying. Get out of that one Dom! Never mind all the Afghans he cruelly let down because he was too busy tanning himself on a Cretan Beach .
And as for Nadim, who was ‘careless’ over his tax return, and had to pay a penalty. To the tune of a million or two. While in charge of the country’s finances. As a commentator remarked, you don’t pay tax penalties for innocent mistakes.
This government reminds me of the death throes of the Tory government in 1997. Corrupt and dishonest, having run out of sensible ideas and honest people.
Anyway, enough of that.
I was waiting to get in the car when I noticed a pheasant in the garden. It was a paler coloured one than us the norm round here. Not had one of those visiting before. At BV, yes, but not here. I was curious because it must have flown over the fence without knowing what was on the other side. Then a pigeon came to investigate and there was a bit of a stand off.

T was up and off to Day Care and H and I drove to Pangbourne to the wide watery meadows there. Despite the notice inviting you to swim at your own risk, there were no swimmers today. Can’t think why… Even the campers had given up…or moved to be protected by the delights of the rubbish bins.

The remaining puddles were ice and the ground was a bit unpredictable. Some was soft and some was frozen and lumpy. There was nobody much about and the skies were leaden and heavy.
But I like it down there. It’s a new venue. There are various swans and today, lots of geese and other water fowl.
H was patient with the swans in the water, ignoring them, mainly because she was more interested in the nearby reeds. I did keep her well away from the two swans that were not in the water but skating over the icy puddles.

It was all very pleasant, curtailed by the expiry of my parking ticket.
I went home to the chores and to snooze. The alarms alerted me to the fact that T needed collecting. He was quite full of beans but then ran out of steam as he arrived home.
I don’t really know what happened to the rest of the day. There are chores to do outside and within but the weather needs to be drier and warmer before they get my attention.
Thought for the Day

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