
We were late to bed due to my obsession with finishing off series1 of Happy Valley. Good job done.
A good sleep was followed by brekkie before 06.00 and a little lie in until daylight peered through the blinds.
H was lucky enough to get a short early walk in the frosty fog. Despite being lucky, she was not remotely grateful. But she put in a splendid performance. And then let rip at Andy and his 4 dogs. It was -6C.

Not very inviting
A strange wiggly line separated two areas of frost

We only just had time to complete a short walk because I had to steal a few minutes to get the car warmed up. It was -6C. We can be sure of getting coolest and hottest temperatures here because we are so close to RAF Benson. They often / usually get a mention in national weather forecasts.

I abandoned T for the drive to Abingdon where Wallingford provided me with inconvenient roadworks and consequential queues. As well as thick fog. However Abingdon was completely fog-free and bursting with sunlight. Just outside Appleford, some kind driver was busy flashing his lights at incoming cars. An accident? Police speeding ambush? The latter. The roads were less treacherous than the previous week where there had been plenty of black ice, thanks to the wet road surfaces.
In places, the sun was fighting the mist and the curling steam from Didcot rose plume-like into the sky.

The class was unexpectedly interesting today. I didn’t really want to draw a mermaid but we had choices. Mine ended up of indeterminate gender so I tried to make her look a bit more feminine by giving her a few curls. Should not have bothered! I’m getting more familiar with the attendees though I miss my old table mates.

One of the new ones had major brain surgery a few months ago for a tumour of the brain. She had a load of it removed but they could not take it all out because of proximity to important bits and pieces. Her account of her symptoms to surgery was quite scary. She is about half my age.

I arrived home to find T still in bed and he has stayed there all afternoon. Though I did feed him some lunch which he appears to have eaten.
I treated myself to the Great Pottery Throwdown (3) and fiddled around with emails and admin and dark contemplation for much of the rest of the day.

Thought for the Day






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