Happy Valley!!

Happy birthday to Evie Lola – 17 today.

Evie, at the front, Frankie and Fleur. I think Evie was around 2. Gorgeous girls. George? Biding his time!!
Evie and Fleur

It was -6C when I awoke. It was also foggy. We were a bit tardy about leaving the bed but T arrived at daycare on time.
H and I went to Castle Meadows where the sun was just breaking through to dispel the mist and to allow us to admire its prettiness.
The water is rapidly receding in the water meadows and the Thames path is accessible again. People were walking along it.
One man and his dog were crossing the meadow to the nearest gate where an ice rink awaited him. He obviously didn’t fancy it because I heard some cracking sounds from the ice edge, and then he headed for the farther gate. However, the ice looked thick and had little depth .

H found a few friends with whom she played, briefly, before letting them get on with it. I sat on my favourite bench, as usual. I received a cold backside for my pains.

Spot Heidi

I keep returning to Castle Meadows because it’s easy walking on the frozen ground, and I don’t need to negotiate black ice on narrow rural roads.

Once we were home, I reacquainted myself with the vacuum cleaner. Ours doesn’t get out that often these days. Because the cleaners visit it makes my efforts less necessary. But Heaven forbid that we should have so much dog hair on the carpet that I could actually see it.

Following a light lunch, I made it my mission to catch up on Series 1 of Happy Valley. Gruesome, gripping… all of that as far as I got. That was an absolute delight. Ha ha.
Unfortunately, I fell asleep in the early afternoon, but luckily the various alarms I set allowed me to get to T before the Day Centre closed. Otherwise, he might still be there.
Once he was settled, he joined me to watch more of Happy Valley but couldn’t follow the plot. So he spent the afternoon and evening wandering. ( After he ate his supper of bacon and eggs. )
We are up to date now. Series 1 dates back to 2014. Series 3 (the last) is currently being shown. I had previously watched Series 2, but decided going back to the beginning might be helpful. It was!

Thought for the Day






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