Art 2

A reasonable undisturbed night. I’m pleased to be able to say that I don’t think we disturb each other when wandering in the middle of the night. Though if I hear T rustling in the fridge that can be quite disturbing.
It took all my resolve to take H out for a very short walk before leaving for my Art Class in Abingdon.
A glance out of the window revealed it was dry but the back garden was crisp and white. That would mean all the mud would be frozen into jagged peaks and troughs. and it would be cold.
Luckily, we were only going to the Rec and the muddy part of the track is not that long. I noticed a lot of black ice as we worked our way round Underhill. That concerned me because I would be driving along country (probably unsalted) lanes. It had been so wet that lying water would have frozen. Memo to self: be careful. Drive slowly.

it was -3C for our walk.
And the temperature did not increase during my drive.

Culham has turned into an island, floating precariously above acres of flooded meadows. The new lakes are freezing over at the edges. They would make safe skating territory as long as river locations are avoided. There was only serious black ice along one stretch of road.
Art was more interesting today. We were supposed to drawing a horse in action pose. It was supposed to look as though it is moving. Well that is tricky!

jThe group seem quite pleasant although numbers were a bit depleted today due to illness. There are about 10 of us. Double that number on a Wednesday. I enjoy these classes – it’s a different world. Even though I may not enjoy a particular focus.

Dave was going to pop round whilst his car was getting valet and wash treatment. We both go to the Bulgarian guy who operates from Morrison’s Daily fuel station, just up the road. But D was able to sit and wait I think, so T missed out on a surprise visit.
I fed T a late snack lunch and caught up with Silent Witness. The plot was less complex this week so I could actually follow it. Well… more or less.

I’m not sure what happened with the rest of the day. T stayed in bed and the day stayed cold. It was dark before I knew it.

Thought for the Day






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