
A reasonable night but up and about around 05.00, followed by a doze and a proper ale up around 07.00.

T was in cooperative mood and actually got in the shower first. That was quite handy. We were out on time.
After yesterday’s inspection of Wallingford Watery Meadows, I decided to inspect locations where there might be further flooding.

I had already seen the extent of flooding in the middle of Goring, but the Gatehampton end of Manor Road revealed a new river to rival the Thames. The private field at the end of the track was under water, which emerged under the fence at high speed. There were a few waterfowl floating around. A kind lady had warned me against walking down there but I wanted to explore what was going on.

The private field
Water flowing from the field
Looking back at the private field towards
Streatley Hill
Big works on the dilapidated mansion the other side of the river which is the other side of the flooding

Our walk was shorter than usual, I did not fancy a swim. Neither did H.

I paid a visit to the B and W to inspect the Thames water levels there. And though high, they are much lower than in 2021. I enjoyed an expensive rip-off coffee sitting by the fast flowing murky waters. We are learning that certain establishments charge high prices for small cups.

Returning home, I carried out the usual set of domestic chores and enjoyed the peace. I even ate a sandwich for lunch. Then I escaped to Ali’s for a quick cup of non rip-off large cup of coffee.
She still feels washed out and F is not well and is off school.
George has exams this week. Preceded by an exciting journey to school when the school bus kept breaking down. He phoned home to suggest someone come in a car and take them to school. Someone else’s dad complied but failed in his mission . This was due to a blocked road because of a car fire.
We hope no one was hurt. And the pupils in the bus were only 10 minutes late for their exam. An exciting start to a day with 4 exams.

T seemed to have had a good day. And we pottered home to do not very much with the remainder of it. It was a lazy supper and T found a bowl of left over crumble malingering in the fridge, to complete his meal. I hope it was not too bacteria riddled.

I may have dozed off.

I copied a small article (well I thought it was short) into this blog, only to discover, that what I pasted was not just the one article, but most of the internet. This was extremely annoying and not easy to delete.

Thought for the Day






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