I slept a mega sleep from around 18.00 until about 03.00. My watch was anxious to let me know I had slept for around 8 hours – unheard of. I started on the sofa and ended up in bed. For the duration.
T arose somewhat reluctantly and was delivered to Daycare.
The day had dawned brighter than the last few with no rain forecast. By the time I had abandoned T, the sky was bright blue with a yellow orb in it. What I had not appreciated until I got outside, was the strength of the wind, Strong winds are unusual in these parts, but there was no avoiding this one.
Because it was so bright outside, I felt the need to be high up where there was a view, so we headed to the Clumps. And we clambered up the nearest one. The wind was doing its best to push me backwards, numbing my cheeks, and my eyes watered so much that I could hardly see. As for my nose, how the streams of snot were drawn from it is a mystery. Luckily I was armed with plenty of tissues.
Once we reached the first bench at the top of a clump, we were in a sheltered area free of wind. The sun contained a hint of warmth and it was very pleasant sitting there gazing into the distance.

I made the mistake of leaving the nice sheltered bench to circumnavigate the Clump but swiftly changed my mind, due to the screaming wind that was doing it’s best to shred my coat. So I negotiated a small section.
H and I retreated to the warmth of the car and I dashed into Lidl to acquire something for a sandwich to feed to T tonight.
I am gallivanting out to Ecchinswell to hook up with Basingstoke friends. The question is … will ‘they’ or won’t they still be running the pub. They were scheduled to leave on 9 July but were still there in early November. Laura and Chris have run a tidy pub over many years. It was one of our favourite watering holes once.
T was making a break for it when I went to pick him up.
In between times I had watched the news and checked the alarms were set in case I fell asleep. Which I almost did. The house was very peaceful and quiet and stress free. I could relax.
Ali rang – she is feeling a little better today after a week of great nastiness. She still won’t let us near her for fear of infecting us. But she ventured outside for the first time in 6 days. She also mentioned that she had omitted to get her latest flu and Covid Jabs. She has had both in the last month and has been very poorly.
The evening beckons. I had better make T his sandwich. Last time I was out meeting these friends was after Timur’s party and T went to Ali and Dave’s. Shame it can’t happen tonight… but Ali is not well enough and Dave is being a taxi to sporting activity.
It felt safer leaving T there. The evening is wide open for all sorts of chaos.
The other day, I couldn’t find my coat. It was not where I had left it. It was finally found it hanging in his wardrobe. I went out wearing it. I knew I had about £60.00 emergency money that I had stashed into a secret / phone pocket. But when I reached into the pocket, it was not there.
I examined my memory but came to the reluctant conclusion that I must have accidentally pulled out the money with my phone. And that it had dropped to the ground and been taken to a better home.
Annoyed, I tried to put it in the back of my mind. But then… I found £60 lying by the bedroom TV. Hmm. I had also lost my gloves. But there they were lying on the bed. T had clearly gone through my pockets when adding my coat to his clothing collection.
This is the sort of thing that I find upsetting because it makes me doubt my own actions and sanity. Just an example from many of why life is so uncomfortable.
The new blue Birkenstocks stood up well to the hike up the hill. They gathered quite a bit of mud but give a better grip.
22.45 A good evening out. Laura and Chris are still running the pub. Yet another sale has fallen through.
More heavy rain is forecast tomorrow. And flooding. I’m so glad we went up that Clump today. There might even be snow next week.
T seems to have survived my outing ( 4 hours). Upon my return, he asked me if I had had a good walk, ??!!!
Thought for the Day

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