Hanging Around

I had a really good sleep. Managed to stay awake until bedtime and only after I was in bed, did I go to sleep. And slept almost continuously until 05.15 ish. That’s the ticket!
It was another grey, wet start to the day. At around 10.00, I took H as far as the Rec and back where we got wet and she wandered up towards the thicket of trees. I rescued her from her wandering. I did not have time to mess around.

Our new cleaning team arrived punctually around 11.30 and seem very pleasant and have done a good job. Zora has also returned the key she had. I shall miss her team but need more reliability.

We left for Marshall Honda in Reading. The car was due its first service after nearly 12 000 miles. It had also been subject to a recall to do with the workings of the front camera. I had booked a two hour sit and wait service but the camera added an hour to that and Service Reception suggested it could all take up to 4 hours.

Things were not looking good and I had T with me. I had planned to sit out the two hours but I eyed up the small retail complex opposite which offered little hope. Home Bargains perhaps.

Now Marshall Honda is a very smart place with a high end waiting area which includes a free hot drinks station, posh toilets and comfy chairs and a TV. It still felt as though it would be a very long few hours.

We had a picnic with us. Well, I exaggerate. We had one sandwich with us which was to share.

(T had already eaten two ice creams on the journey. He had gone into melt down at a quick stop at Cobbs farm shop when he wanted to buy a box of mini Magnums. I pointed out we were not going near a freezer and they would melt. Grumpily, instead, he picked up 2 x 1/2 litre tubs of ice cream. No spoons. More grump and big sulk when I pointed out the drawbacks of these. No freezer, no spoon, size etc etc. He turned his nose up at the small tubs and grumped his way off.
But I did put 2 small tubs in with the other shopping which improved his mood in the car. Short memory is sometimes useful.)

Back in the Honda posh waiting area, now with a coffee as well as the shared sandwich, a staff member put the TV on a station which included quiz programmes including a game called Lingo. This was quite fun. T was entertained.

And then we were interrupted.

The car was ready around an hour and a half early. Good job!

We bundled ourselves into it and we’re soon on our way home. H was pleased to see us. I cooked a late lunch / early supper- the sandwich had only been a temporary fill job.

Ali is apparently a little better. She been really poorly for about a week. I fear I have the beginnings of a sore throat. That and a dreadful headache have been Ali’s symptoms. I’m probably imagining it. Can’t blame Ali anyway. I have not seen her since Christmas Day.

I fell fast asleep. And did not really wake up until around 03.00. Inconvenient! But at least I had registered a very good sleep. And my watch data told me I had hit my goal of 8 hours! Where did that come from!

Thought for the Day






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