Another terrible night – after we got second wind around 21.00 last night. T (unheard of ) made us coffee for some peculiar reason. I explained it was not a good time to be drinking coffee but I let about three mouthfuls glug down. So maybe be that is why it was such a bad night.
T was up good and early and ready for Day Care long before the allotted time.
I, meanwhile, did battle with my waxed up and blocked ears. I will spare you the details. Minor improvements were achieved.
After dropping T, H and I headed for a new venue at Pangbourne Meadows. We tried a walk here in the summer but couldn’t park. And I suffered the ignominy of turning round at Whitchurch Toll Bridge. Didn’t want to make that mistake again.
Today, the sun shone and the breeze tickled my troublesome ears. Geese honked, other birds screeched and 3 swans flew noisily overhead narrowly missing a jumbo jet. Perhaps I exaggerate a bit. But swans are awesome in the air, their long necks reaching out far in front of the rest of their bodies.
Underfoot, the ground was deceptive appearing to be a rich green carpet. However it was more a mud soaked sponge with slipperiness.
But H and I ambled along in the sunshine. H gambolled with various other dogs, showed an unhealthy interest in the swans and chased the geese. The swans in the river, as opposed to the ones challenging the jumbo jet, were a family of four. How do I know? Well they were all adult size, but two had still to acquire the pure white plumage of the adults.
The swans let it be known to various dogs that they were not up for being chased. Majestic and huge, out of the water, you realise they are no skimpy chickens.

H and I returned home via the car wash and valet man, for some chickpea masala for lunch. For me anyway. And a News catch up. Prince Harry’s whinging seems to be slipping below the radar at last. What a spoilt pair!

My new blue Birkenstocks seem to be just the job. Similar to, but more rugged than Crocs, the sole is better in mud. I just need something I can slip on quickly for all the toing and froing I do. My crocs are good but not in mud.
It was just as well that I have a series of alarms to remind me to pick up T. I normally leave around 14.45 – a deadly hour for afternoon naps.
Just before I left, the grey / green heavens opened. The sunshine I had enjoyed at Pangbourne had long departed. The rain was heavy and there was plenty of it causing floods to flash as the roads could not deal with the uncontrollable supply of water. At 15.00, it was nearly dark, just horrid. Shouldn’t have paid for a car wash.
Burt and Wendy have managed to annoy me, not hard in Wendy’s case. Visiting friends of theirs have parked their car on our drive without so much as asking if they can. Works were going on at their house and a van was parked in their drive and the shared area too. I think it was rather cheeky of them to assume it was alright to do so. Tomorrow it will not be alright. We have new cleaners starting.
Dave rang and we discussed the fact that Ali is still knocked back by this virus. Unable to function properly or with any sort of normality. Can’t speak even.
The car now has to be in Reading for a service tomorrow at 13.00 not 14.00. Something to do with a camera recall. So my sit and wait service has turned into a painful drag of a service. Luckily they have a very comfy and smart seating area with a free coffee machine. And a loo.
Thought for the Day

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