
Yes more of it, in showery, heavy doses. The roads are awash with deep water. Hazardous for drivers. And the poodles hide potholes. Of which there are many.
I had a very good sleep waking up quite late. Unlike yesterday, there were a variety of items available for brekkie. Spoilt for choice.
No hurry to get up today, the rumble and crashing of the bin men outside reminded me that it was Thursday. Except it wasn’t Thursday, it was Saturday. The days are out of sync due to the Public Holidays.

We got caught out later in the morning – I was just emerging from the shower, rather late, when there was a racket from Heidi and a ring at the door and son in law Dave appeared. Well that was fortuitous for us and generous of him. He actually wanted to get family ski kit down from the loft as they are hopefully going skiing, at February half term, with a gang of friends. I hope it snows before then. A friend went at Christmas and there was barely a flake in sight.

And it was generous of him because I was able to pass him our Christmas decorations and items which had taken over the spare room to be placed back in the loft. You can actually get into the spare room now. And, as luck would have it, he had only been gone a few seconds when the second spare adapter plug arrived for the new hanging tree. Minus new lights this time. All I need to do is get it into the box with the tree ( now in loft) all ready for next year. I know that by next year I will have forgotten I have a plug for it if it is not in the box.

I then went off to watch some hockey. It is the first time Fleur had played in around two months due to back problems, The whole family were playing. Ali had risen Lazarus-like off her sickbed. She’s only just got over Covid. Now she is suffering from a severe cold job.

I returned after giving H a short and very wet walk. That’s the tale of the day – heavy showers.

Thereafter I could pretend that I finally caught up with Silent Witness. But I became completely lost in the plot which seemed very far-fetched. Something to do with Ndrangheta who are Sicilian Mafia, not to be toyed with. So many twists of the plot!
Now my father did what Emilia Fox does – well – he was a forensic pathologist. But I don’t remember him having doings with the Mafia or running around the country chased by criminals. The Police yes, and sometimes journalists and a few lawyers and other experts. But there it stopped .
I’ll put it down to advances in science and technology. He died just as DNA was beginning to be used. Note: I have not used the term DNA profiling. That came later.

It is now 19.00 – T has not got up at all today and it would appear he has been sleeping. He did not eat his sandwich at lunchtime so I told him he could have it for supper! Judging by a couple of abandoned crusts, he probably did.

He watched Liverpool neither win nor lose at football. I carried out some admin. And the day was done.

Thought for the Day

You have to feel sorry for the male of the species- so disadvantaged







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